Ask A Friend


by Tiffany Tan

It happens. Here are some suggestions that may help:

  1. Find a neat and quiet workplace. An organized workspace can help you save time within your day by preventing you from having to search for the materials you need to complete each task. Additionally, developing organizational skills will help you strengthen your planning capabilities. Not having to worry about finding particular documents or task materials will help you reduce daily stress.

  2. Start early and don’t procrastinate. If you have the opportunity, start an assignment before you’re scheduled to work on it! It can help you overcome the initial stages of an assignment. This helps you to start developing your strategy, which can also help stop procrastinating.

  3. Don’t multitask. Multitasking may seem like an effective strategy to accomplish multiple tasks more quickly. However, completing two assignments one at a time typically completes each task faster and with greater quality than those who multitask. Spending your time focusing on completing one task at a time will also help you reduce the potential for distractions.

  4. Make a to-do list. Having a list is always a time saver. If you have a list, you'll never have to wonder what's on the daily agenda or what to do next. A list keeps you focused and motivated. Lists also let you see and monitor your progress. Even if you're surrounded by distractions, your list will keep you on the right track.

  5. Start with the most important/difficult tasks. Do your most important tasks in the morning. All those stressful tasks, the big bulk of your work, the hardest tasks – do them in the morning! You have the most energy in the morning, so you will be able to tackle the tasks efficiently. Plus, the feeling of accomplishment at getting the most important stuff done first will make the rest of the day that much better.

  6. Planning Ahead. Planning ahead is a critical part of time management. You should plan ahead for the week or at least the day before. When you know exactly what needs to get done for the day or week, you'll stay organized and focused. You can break tasks across days to see how much time is needed to complete a task. Even spending just a few minutes planning ahead can help you work more efficiently.

Try some of these tips and get back on the right track in school!

i feel a little too blah during quarantine. how can i stay healthy?

by Tiffany Tan

We all know it’s tough to be locked in and cooped up at home during this pandemic. But, how can we stay healthy mentally and physically while we are at home? Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Eat healthy. Have a well-balanced diet. Avoid consuming too much sugar, caffeine, and junk foods. Staying away from caffeine can help you have less stress and anxiety.

  2. Get enough sleep. Sleep is important. Go to bed and wake up at regular times, and keep your work or school routine as close to normal as possible.

  3. Participate in regular physical activity. Regular physical activity and exercise can help reduce anxiety and improve mood. Find an activity that includes movement, such as dance or exercise apps. You can even just take a stroll around your block!

  4. Limit your screen time. Turn off electronic devices for some time each day, including 30 minutes before bedtime. Make an effort to spend less time in front of a screen; television, tablet, computer, and phone.

  5. Take a break from electronics and get stretching. Stretching and doing light exercise can help you relieve stress and reflect. Even if you are doing it for 5 minutes, you can still relax and relieve anxiety and stress.

  6. Get Creative. Creativity has many benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety. You don’t need to be a professional artist to experience the benefits of creativity. Try a simple activity, such as sketching something inside your home or outside your window. You can also be creative through music or songwriting.

If you are stressed, have anxiety, or want to stay healthy throughout the pandemic, try some of these tips to help you out!