Mission and Service

Information can be found by clicking here.

Little Free Pantry

A little free pantry is located at TUC by the side kitchen door. It's for ANYONE with urgent food needs,  seniors who have no way to get to the store, those struggling before pay day. It is open 24 hours,  no questions asked.  It includes basic food goods and a few personal care items, as well as a few diapers.

It is stocked daily. Special thanks to Ken Howe for building it, Thamesville Home Hardware, Dresden Home Hardware, Mike Wright, Thamesville Horticultural group and Sertoma, for donations of building supplies and funds/groceries. 

How blessed are we to be a part of this great project!

Please help spread the word about the pantry!

Harvest Market and Soup's On!

The Harvest Market is open on Thursdays from 12:30 am to 1:30 pm!
Everyone is welcome to come and "shop" the produce!
It's convenient, for anyone.
Make a donation if you are able.

Soup's On is happening from 11:30 - 12:30 am.
Homemade soup, crackers, dessert, coffee and tea.
See our church calendar for all dates.

At The Table 

Join us for a monthly Friendship Community Meal at the church!
See our church calendar for dates!
Great fellowship - Bring a friend - Tell a neighbor!

The Root Cellar

The Root Cellar is installed below the Little Free Pantry.
There will be some fresh produce added daily, as it is available.
Eggs will be there when available.
Local gardens will provide produce in season.
We are thrilled to add this!
Thanks to Harvey for the install!