TextEdit is an open-source word processor and text editor, first featured in NeXT's NeXTSTEP and OPENSTEP. It is now distributed with macOS since Apple Inc.'s acquisition of NeXT, and available as a GNUstep application for other Unix-like operating systems such as Linux.[2] It is powered by Apple Advanced Typography.

TextEdit replaced the text editor of previous Macintosh operating systems, SimpleText. TextEdit uses the Cocoa text system to read and write documents in Rich Text Format (RTF), Rich Text Format Directory, plain text, and HTML formats, and can open (but not save) old SimpleText files. It also has access to the operating system's built-in spell-checking service. The version included in Mac OS X v10.3 added the ability to read and write documents in Word format, and the version in Mac OS X v10.4 added the ability to read and write Word XML documents. The version included in Mac OS X v10.5 added read and write support for Office Open XML and OpenDocument Text. The version included in Mac OS X v10.6 added automatic spelling correction, support for data detectors, and text transformations. The version included in Mac OS X v10.7 added versioning of files, and Autosave similar to iOS.

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Formatted text, justification, and even the inclusion of graphics and other multimedia elements are supported by TextEdit, as well as the ability to read and write to different character encodings, including Unicode (UTF-8 and UTF-16). TextEdit automatically adjusts letter spacing in addition to word spacing while justifying text. TextEdit does not support multiple columns of text.

Apple formerly distributed TextEdit's source code as part of the documentation of its integrated development environment (IDE) Xcode. On the Internet, the source code of TextEdit can be found in Apple's Mac Developer Library.[3] The following quote is from the characteristic part of the BSD-3-Clause-compliant license text included in the source code:

[...] In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated.[...]

When you use Dark Mode, you can display documents in TextEdit with a light or dark background. In TextEdit, choose View > Use Dark Background for Windows (a checkmark indicates the dark background is being used); to turn it off, choose the command again (the checkmark is removed). When you view documents in TextEdit using the dark background, some text and background colors may be displayed differently on the screen to ensure the contents of the document are legible.

TextEdit is the simple and easy to use text editor for Windows that allows you view and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PERL, SQL, Delphi, C, C++, and other languages source code. It is a advanced tool supporting the features you've always dreamt about, such as tabbed document view, syntax highlighting, bookmarks, unlimited text size, line numbers, find and replace, find in files, multiple undo/redo, drag and drop files.

MacBook Pro i9 (16-inch, 2019), 11.2.3 Big Sur. Definitely seems like it should have enough grunt to handle a 10MB text file, but not any more. Currently been sitting for a few mins at 100% CPU, lagging out my keyboard input in my browser, apparently due to the beachball twirling in my TextEdit window. I end up force-quitting it about once an hour.

The most frustrating part is that this was never an issue - just last year I would've opened gigabyte-sized genome fasta files or various other 100MB text files and scrolled through it with no issue. Was always impressed with how much better than Windows notepad it was.

Still happening to me too @ibwoo. This is just unacceptable. Don't know if anyone from Apple monitors this forum but sure hope so. How is this not a test scenario? It's a stinking text file!!! My brother word processor was more reliable. OUCH.

Ya know, I just don't care about 90% of the fancy cloud and device integration that Apple is committing to in recent OSs. I just want things to WORK. And TextEdit is the epitome of simple things that should simply work. If your OS can't support a basic text editor, what the h3ll good is it?

TextEdit spinning beach ball (will continue for hours until force-quit). Happens more or less daily, when I try to fix erroneous trackpad zoom-in in plain text documents. Various documents, generally under 200K. Started a month ago when I upgraded from 10 to 11.4. Running on 2017 MacAir. Irritating and fascinating: how would one break TextEdit?

I usually use TextEdit to author like text-only content, no rich text stuff involved whatsoever (Command-Shift-T). I'm in the process of applying for a new job and, as usual, I'd write everything locally, with TextEdit. We're not talking 50mb of data but a mere 100 lines of text. All I'm seeing now is the mf spinning ball of death. It took me hours to write those few lines. *** is going on?

Edit: Well, I had to force-quit TextEdit because. I paid over 3000 bucks for this machine and you guys really want to tell me that its not able to reliably handle a text editor in utf-8 mode with 100 lines of text, like, really? (the 100 lines are really only a guess, because I can't really check, can I, because the exact program that would low-key let me analyse my num of lines of my low-key input decided to go all rainbow-of-death on me but sure, ask me all about my unusual ways of leveraging jesus ******* TextEdit for my very ***** needs)

After 35 years as a Mac specialist, I am beginning not to see the point of sticking with an OS that doesn't even provide a way for me to jot down notes or save simple rich text documents without spending a half hour troubleshooting and then finally just giving up without a solution. Useless. MacOS no longer allows me to be productive, it eats my time instead of saving it.

This situation arises from the fact that you are viewing your text through a small window, and TextEdit is attempting to print the contents of that window on your printer so that the printed page looks like your window. That's one kind of WYSIWYG. To get the kind of WYSIWYG you want, expect, and are familiar with, simply:

I currently am using AppleScript to create a document in TextEdit and adding text to it, but when I try to save it, TextEdit gives me the error "you do not have permission to save as blahblahblah." I have already tried changing the permission on the folder in which I'm saving it in, but I think it may have something to do with it being a file that AppleScript created.

Clipboard support is provided by the cut(), copy(), and paste() functions. Text can be selected by mouse in the usual way, unless selectByMouse is set to false; and by keyboard with the Shift+arrow key combinations, unless selectByKeyboard is set to false. To select text programmatically, you can set the selectionStart and selectionEnd properties, or use selectAll() or selectWord().

Sets the horizontal and vertical alignment of the text within the TextEdit item's width and height. By default, the text alignment follows the natural alignment of the text, for example text that is read from left to right will be aligned to the left.

When using the attached property LayoutMirroring::enabled to mirror application layouts, the horizontal alignment of text will also be mirrored. However, the property horizontalAlignment will remain unchanged. To query the effective horizontal alignment of TextEdit, use the read-only property effectiveHorizontalAlignment.

If you set a cursorDelegate for a TextEdit, this delegate will be used for drawing the cursor instead of the standard cursor. An instance of the delegate will be created and managed by the text edit when a cursor is needed, and the x and y properties of delegate instance will be set so as to be one pixel before the top left of the current character.

Applies integer values to specific OpenType features when shaping the text based on the contents in features. This provides advanced access to the font shaping process, and can be used to support font features that are otherwise not covered in the API.

Sets the preferred hinting on the text. This is a hint to the underlying text rendering system to use a certain level of hinting, and has varying support across platforms. See the table in the documentation for QFont::HintingPreference for more details. 006ab0faaa

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