I am working on adding a custom theme (created via theme designer) to an extended fiori application, my timesheets (HCM_TSH_MAN). Right now I am running the application on a local tomcat server (I have a version without the custom theme running on the ABAP server).

I created the theme in theme designer, and the preview looks fine, however once I add the custom theme to my application, the summary tabs which normally display information for the two weeks of the time sheet period are no longer displayed correctly. Additionally when creating a new time entry the fields are also displayed incorrectly (it looks like all alignment related .css was removed).

Breaking Bad Theme Download

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Has anyone had any problem like this before? And if so how did you solve, or does anyone have a recommendation on how to find/solve this problem? I am thinking there is some .css parameter(s) being overwritten by the custom theme but I am relatively new to SAPUI5, css, and theme designer and am not sure how to find these parameters or the specific file they would sit in, I am thinking there should be some files I can run some sort of comparison on, but am not sure which.

To add the new theme I added a 'resources' folder to my eclipse extension project and copied in the files extracted via /UI5/Theme_tool and then added these two lines to my index.html to apply the theme:

Below are screenshots of the theme designer preview where the app is displayed correctly, and the app on my local server where it is not correct. Unfortunately I am having an issue with my oData service right now so there is no data but I have outlined the tabs on both screens in red and you can see how the tabs have been shunted to the left of the screen(unfortunately this problem also means I cannot access the new entry screen right now, but the problem is similar to this one). And I was having this problem before the oData service issue arose, so it is not related to not having data to display.

Hi, I have tried contacted Neve from the Pre-sales & Partner section with a nice and warm welcome and then suggested me to use the support forum here if the problem still occurs. Unfortunately, my problem on importing Neve theme starter sites (full site) still occurs. I really hope I can get help here since I am still not giving up on Neve yet.

I don't know about you but I find myself switching between color themes in Visual Studio Code on an almost weekly basis. I thought I would create my own and used the colors from the hit TV show, Breaking Bad. The colors used are explained below with credit to Luke Villapaz's article on why the director chose to use certain colors during filming.

I've been coding a Wordpress theme using OOP PHP, node.js and Webpack, and between classes, node_modules, configuration files and Wordpress template files my theme's directory has become a bit messy...

Therefore, the process of changing themes without introducing any new problems can take a bit longer than just clicking on the Activate button. However, if you follow some basic procedures, you can ensure that your site works smoothly after the switch.

Afterward, WordPress will display what your home page will look like once you activate the new theme. Take a moment now to go over your entire website within the Customizer, and make a note of any obvious problem areas or bugs.

The structure of the theme has changed in v5. You need to update its shape.For a smoother transition, the adaptV4Theme helper allows you to iteratively upgrade some of the theme changes to the new theme structure.

Recently I was talking about Breaking Bad with someone who has not watched it and I was asked "What is the theme?" This question puzzled me and I got confused, what to answer. So I want to ask the question here.

Ultimately, you are asking a massive question, so I'll try and explain my interpretations of the themes one by one. Before I do, I'm assuming you've watched this whole show and thus this answer will be rife with spoilers.

This is the obvious theme to start with as it is what starts Walt off on his entire adventure. Throughout the first series in particular, everything Walt does is aimed at providing for his family. He desperately wants to protect them and ensure that they have enough money after his death - he even goes as far as to calculate the exact amount he needs to earn, before he dies/retires from the business.

As the series goes on this theme retains its significance because Walt continually forgets it, instead acting for his own selfish benefit, a fact he finally admits in the final episode in the series, when he tells Skyler all his actions have been for himself.

This truly is a colossal sized question, so I figured I had to stop here or write endlessly! Hopefully this will give some indication as to the major themes and any pesky friends with pesky questions in the future can be answered!

For me, the theme is crime doesn't pay. Well more like crime seems to be quite profitable and exciting when you begin but eventually you will have to become a completely ruthless and heartless person, a monster if you will, in order to survive that world and not only will you probably lose all your earnings to rivals, or law, and probably die a violent death, but also completely destroy your family's future (assuming they aren't criminals themselves).

I would have to say that the theme is dichotomy or bifurcation, two personas leading two different worlds by a single person. He foreshadows this in one of the early episodes concerning a molecule that is chiral, two mirror images of a chemical substance, one harmless but the other destructive and deadly.

Breaking Bad is about self will run riot. In the beginning Walt is afraid for his family. He uses that as justification for breaking the law when his real motive seems to be anger at God or the Cosmos. Time and time again God gives him a way out and he doesn't take it, his pride and anger drive him. When his son sets up the Web site his pride won't let him use it because it would be charity. He is hell bent on taking power and settling his score with the universe. He believes he is superior and he intends to waste no more time being a do gooder in a world where nice guys seem to finish last. He had a good life before when he was humble and it turns out that the treatments worked on the cancer so if he had stayed humble chances are good fortune would have continued to follow him but he got prideful. And played GOD.

The answer to that question varies, however the show conveys many themes at once. For one hypocrisy is a large theme in Breaking Bad. If you think about almost every single character in the show was a hypocrite. Marie for instance was strongly disliked by the public for being a hypocrite, but if you think about it almost everyone was a hypocrite. Hank, being a cop isn't afraid the break the laws, Skylar who goes against her high morals to help Walt, Ted was willing to break the law for thousands of dollars yet wouldn't accept drug money. The list goes on. The only few exceptions would probably be Jesse and Flynn.

Another theme is power and corporation. How power affects our minds and how it is only human nature to crumple for corporation when there is too much wealth, power, and pride in sight. Jesse, while speaking his big scene in the rehab center on accepting one's actions expands on this theme and how we must have consequences for our actions and rationalizing doesn't help anyone. You see this in Walt when he takes drastic actions on other people's lives and quickly moves on, telling himself it was for the best.

The greater, encompassing theme is Redemption. I think the show struck a chord with many people who haven't reached their goals or are failing to some degree in their lives. Walt is a brilliant scientist who founded a business and left before it became wildly successful. He settled for a high school teaching job where his students don't respect him. His life is boring in many ways. When he starts making meth and builds the business, he creates something that is The Best that exists. He got out of his comfort zone and pursued his dreams. Cooking meth has moral implications, which made the story interesting. In his own way, Walt is a Hero.

To avoid any hiccups, take a moment to copy and save these codes in a safe place, like a text file or a cloud-based note-taking app like Google Keep or Evernote. This way, you can quickly add them to your new theme once installed.

A staging environment is a clone of your live website where you can safely test changes without affecting your site. Creating a staging site before switching themes is good practice, as it allows you to work out any compatibility issues and make necessary adjustments before going live.

Previewing your new theme before uploading allows you to see how the theme will look and function without making any changes to your live site. There are two ways to preview themes, depending on whether they use blocks or the classic editor.

Set up your theme according to its instructions. This may involve customising colours, fonts, layout options, and other settings. Every theme is different, so follow the documentation provided by the theme developer to configure its settings and customise its appearance.

There are two ways to change your WordPress theme without going live: either using a staging site or the ThemeSwitcha plugin. These methods allow you to keep up a professional appearance whilst you tinker behind the scenes.

2. Connect to your website using an FTP client and navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ folder, where all your installed themes are located. This folder is typically located in the /public_html directory.

Be careful while doing this, as even a minor typo while updating the theme name in the database can cause your site to crash. WordPress relies on a theme to function properly, and the values in the database inform the core system about the active theme and the location of the required files.

There may be instances where you want to revert to a previous WordPress theme, either due to compatibility issues or personal preferences. The process of returning to an earlier theme can differ depending on whether you have imported demo content or not. Here are the steps for both scenarios: 006ab0faaa

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