Emotional Pregnancy
Ida K. Svenningsen
MSc Thesis 2019, ITU Copenhagen, Denmark
Embodying the Emotional Pregnancy: Design Explorations of a Prenatal Yoga Multi-Sensorial Environment
Ida K. Svenningsen and Teresa Almeida. 2020. Embodying the Emotional Pregnancy: Design Explorations of a Prenatal Yoga Multi-Sensorial Environment, In Proceedings of the 32nd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI 2020), ACM, New York, NY, USA.
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Designing for the Emotional Pregnancy
Ida K. Svenningsen and Teresa Almeida, Designing for the Emotional Pregnancy, In Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems conference (DIS’20), PWiP Track 2020, ACM, New York, NY, USA.