Code of Conduct



We the participants, employees, and other individuals involved with the Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop, come together for the open exchange of ideas, the freedom of thought and expression, and for respectful scientific debate which is central to the goals of this Workshop. This requires a community and an environment that recognizes and respects the inherent worth of every person.


All participants, volunteers, organizers, sponsors, and speakers (referred to as “Participants” collectively throughout this document) involved in our workshops and workshop-sponsored social events are required to agree with this Code of Conduct both during an event and on official communication channels, including social media. 

Any Participant who is asked to stop behavior that violates the Code of Conduct or is otherwise offensive to another is expected to comply immediately and without retaliation. Organizers will enforce this Code, and it is expected that all Participants will cooperate to help ensure a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.

Any behavior in breach of the Code that cannot be resolved immediately or satisfactorily, or that may inform or impact the safety, security or opportunities of others, should be reported in accordance with the procedures described herein.


The Workshop commits itself to providing an experience for all Participants that is free from the following:

This Code of Conduct applies to the actual meeting sites and Workshop venues (including online). Any items brought to the Hotline Relations Counselors will be explored.


If a Participant engages in any inappropriate behavior, the Workshop organizers may take action as deemed appropriate, including: a formal or informal warning to the offender, expulsion from the workshop with no refund, barring from participation in future workshops or their organization, reporting the incident to the offender’s local institution or funding agencies, or reporting the incident to local authorities or law enforcement. A response of "just joking" is not acceptable. If action is taken, an appeals process will be made available. 


The Workshop encourages all Participants to immediately report any incidents of discrimination, harassment, unprofessional conduct, and/or retaliation so that complaints can be quickly and fairly resolved. All complaints will be handled as confidentially as possible and information will be disclosed only as it is necessary to complete the investigation and bring to resolution. There will be no retaliation against any Participant who brings a complaint or submits an incident report in good faith or who honestly assists in investigating such a complaint. All issues brought forth to the onsite Hotline Relations Counselors during the course of a Workshop will be immediately investigated.

If you have concerns related to your participation/interaction at the Workshop or Workshop sanctioned events, or observe someone else's difficulties, or have any other concerns you wish to share, please follow the procedures outlined within this Code of Conduct.


Hotline Relations Counselors are available to respond to and advise/counsel any Participant who comes forward with an issue or complaint and to effectively examine the matter(s) before them. They will make inquiries to determine the facts from all sides, make recommendations of appropriate action(s) to be taken based on such findings, then bring to resolution. 

The Institute of Neuromorphic Engineering Board, Foundation staff, and Organizing Committee commit to supporting anyone who raises a concern of any kind. The Hotline Relations Counselors are committed to being fair and considerate, and to act in accordance with these Procedures, with respect to any accused party and all other persons involved in a report or incident. Thorough investigations will be conducted as appropriate.

Minor concerns can often be resolved by discussion among the involved participants. If an affected Participant is not able or does not feel empowered to have such a discussion on their own, they are encouraged to seek help from the Hotline Relations Counselors as described in more detail herein. While reporting should be done as soon as possible, the fact that there has been a delay will not be used as a reason not to take action or report an incident, whether involved or witnessed.

Because violations of the Code of Conduct affect the organization and all of its community members, a situation review may be conducted without consent or participation of the reporting or accusing party.

If a Participant has any concerns related to their participation/interaction at the Workshop or sanctioned events, or observe someone else's difficulties, or have any other concerns they wish to share, they are encouraged to reach out to any Hotline Relations Counselors on site at an event or by email, or use the Workshop Hotline Email at Complaints and violations will be researched and investigated as appropriate. Reports made during the Workshop will be responded to within 24 hours; those at other times in less than two weeks. The Institute of Neuromorphic Engineering Foundation is prepared and eager to help Participants contact relevant help services, to escort them to a safe location, or to otherwise assist those experiencing harassment of any sort to feel safe for the duration of the Workshop. We gratefully accept feedback from the community on policy and actions.