March 23, 2017

Zeitgeist is a concept that, translated from the German, means "spirit of an era"--the intellectual, moral, cultural climate of any given moment in time. We live in a world today that is fraught and increasingly complex. Have we lost our grasp on this world or can we still shape it? Who or what is shaping world? How will we define ourselves, as individuals and as a society? What is the zeitgeist of our day? Student and guest speakers will broach these questions as they examine the state of the world today in science, humanities, technology and the arts at this year's TEDxPineCrestSchool.


Alexa Carlin is a nationally renowned speaker, writer and Founder of the Women Empower Expo. A near-death experience in college left Alexa with a 1% chance of living. Today, as the Founder of multiple companies making a positive impact, Alexa shares her story of turning tragedy into triumph with audiences all over the world. Alexa has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network and in The Huffington Post, Glamour Magazine, Mashable, and The Sun-Sentinel among others. Learn more about Alexa at AlexaCarlin.com.
Connor Cranston is a Marine Corp veteran turned entrepreneur, high performance coach, and speaker. He is the author of the book The Big Revelation: Live With New Passion, Overcome Adversity, and Intensify Self-Worth. He hosts a popular Self-Help podcast called "The Big Revelation." Connor works with many non-profit organizations and has been featured in major media outlets such NBC News, U.S. News & World Report, and others.
Brandon Mitchell is a passionate advocate for common sense leadership and millennial advocacy. Born in Philadelphia, PA, he moved to Miami, FL for college studying at the University of Miami. In 2011, the student body elected him President of the Student Government. During his time at the University, Mitchell was tapped into the University's Iron Arrow Honor Society and received the Key to the City of Coral Gables in 2012. Following his graduation he worked for technology startups in Philadelphia and recently moved back to South Florida to work for the University of Miami, begin his master’s degree and start pursuing his passion advocating for the next generation of leaders. He is currently authoring a book on the future of millennial leadership to be released in the Summer of 2017.


Sebastian Bell

Zachary Berman

Kaylee Blanchard

Cameron Brody

Nick Child

Ronni Isenberg

Peter Kos

Ryan Mahatme

Mikey Mattone

Jason Meisel

Joseph Murciano

Olamide Oyadiran

Shaina Pearl

Jordan Schulefand

Brooke Siegal

Devyn Simon