Graduation Progress

View Graduation Progress

Students in grades 9-12 and their parents can check Freeman graduation status on PowerSchool. If you don't know how to access your PowerSchool account, please visit A Parents' Guide To PowerSchool. When a student or parent logs into PowerSchool simply click on the icon Class Registration, you will see a blue link called “View Graduation Progress.” Students and parents can click on this link to see what classes they have completed for graduation requirements and what departments still require hours.

In addition to the Freeman graduation check, students can also click on several different career clusters to view classes that are recommended in high school to assure stronger success in post-secondary training. To do this, click on blue link at top of page that states: “Select Post Secondary Plans.” Students can then see what classes they have taken and what classes they should take. These are recommendations taken from the website These recommendations, in turn, come from the Nebraska Department of Education.