Season 3: 2021-2022

Episode 1: Right Here, Right Now

What we're doing:

Other Books:

"Tech" Resources:

Cutting room floor, but worth the share: Developing Digital Detectives by Jennifer LeGarde and Darren Hudgens

Sounds/music: Drum roll sound effect from Free Sounds Library; Lord Weasel by Blue Dot Sessions

Episode 2: Faith Huff on Marketing the Library with Social Media

Faith Huff can be found on social media platforms with the handle TeachInATardis. (TikTok, Instagram, Twitter)

Tech Rec: VivaVideo

Book Recs:

Sounds/music: Drum roll sound effect from Free Sounds Library; Lord Weasel by Blue Dot Sessions

Episode 3: Building the Library Collection in the Age of Book Challenges

Charity, Cathy, and Laura have a candid conversation about book selection amidst the backdrop of national book challenges and reconsiderations. This is not a how-to episode for handling a complaint or challenge. We urge all of our librarians to familiarize themselves with district policies regarding challenging or objecting to school materials as well as having a clear collection development policy for purchases.

Books/materials mentioned as being challenged:

Some things to consider as you develop lists to purchase (whether or not you anticipate controversy) especially if your budget is small:

  • Solicit student requests and recommendations. They will be the ones reading. Listen to what they want. They will also be the biggest advocates if there is concern/challenge.

  • Subscribe to email newsletters about new releases; look for starred reviews.

  • Check sites for age appropriateness & book highlights- Kirkus reviews, Future Ready Library facebook group

  • Try to see the books in person before purchasing. Can you borrow from another library or see it in a bookstore? It may not appeal to your students.

  • Communicate with your admin about purchases. If they are the type to want justification for titles, provide it by pointing out collection gaps or aged titles. Having their support during a complaint or challenge will make a big difference.

Tech Recommendations:

Sumsub Youtube Channel

Hour of Code and CS First Unplugged

Plus Book Recommendations:

The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera, Bear Town by Fredrik Backman, The Ugly Cry by Danielle Henderson, The Hawthorne Legacy (Inheritance Games Book #2) by Jennifer L. Barnes

Sounds/music: Lord Weasel by Blue Dot Sessions

Saying No to Things Card

Episode 4: I.D.W.T.D.T.N.Y-Boundaries and Saying No

Charity, Cathy, and Laura discuss our emotions surrounding "other duties as assigned," work that we do that isn't necessarily Library work or what where our passions lie. If you are sick of being the one who puts in the tech tickets or agonizes as testing coordinator or can't stand the hassle of a book fair, you're in some good company with this episode as we offer some suggestions on how to navigate those assigned tasks.

Maybe try the "Saying No to Things" punch card! (link to tweet)

Tech Recommendations:

Plus Book Recommendations:

NCSLMA position statement on censorship

This American Life episode "Talking While Black" act 2

ALA YMA winners 2022

Sounds/music: Lord Weasel by Blue Dot Sessions

Episode 5: NCWiseOwl Features and Transitions

Charity, Cathy, and Laura revisit the staple resource of NCWiseOwl. NCWiseOwl is going through some changes and transitions, but we highlight some of our favorite features about this tool.

Sounds/music: Lord Weasel by Blue Dot Sessions