Digital Intentionalism Journey

Charity's bullet journal to organize our episode:

Digital Intentionalism Experiment

Begun March 8, 2021

Day 1 - Monday


Of course I had to read a few tweets, and tweet one last time.

Googled how to delete a twitter account

Read the blurb on how to deactivate a twitter account. 30 days not 1 year! My new tweet would immediately no longer be visible. Hmmm. Not so sure about this. Maybe tomorrow.

Staying off digital first thing in the morning? Failed.

Following my goal of more Creation less consumption (mindless scrolling of Facebook and Instagram etc) Win!

Feeling like I need to check something. Like something is unfinished. Missing the latest cute dog video? The latest rant? Platitude? Personal frustration or triumph? How connected am I to the real-life people on the other end of those posts?

What are my goals with this whole experiment?

Deeper connections with family and friends. Less time wasted on things that offer little return on investment. Less exposure to advertisements. The constant pressure to buy something is exhausting. Not to mention, rampant consumerism is what got us into this global warming mess (in my opinion).

Today’s conclusions:

Time with my computer at home is okay. Time with the internet? Nope. Just nope.

Day 3 - Wednesday

OMG People! No. Just no. Trying to keep a blog does not reduce my tech time it increases it! What was I thinking? Not to say I won't reflect and maybe keep notes (analog or digital -- hmmm?). But daily? NO! That makes things worse instead of better.

Anyway... Monday night was not as successful as Monday morning. I have yet to delete or deactivate either my twitter or Facebook account. Perhaps that is not the point. For me, the point is about mindless scrolling and losing valuable time I could be spending doing something more productive. For example, this morning while drinking my green tea and allowing myself to relax first thing in the morning, I did not mindlessly scroll Insta and Facebook. I did a few constructive puttering things, then sat down and watched a Youtube video or two on How to do something I have been trying to do. So it was a learning moment, NOT a mindless scrolling time. I count that as a positive outcome.