
Cathy Littleton

Cathy Littleton's career in education has extended over 15 years. She taught middle school Science and Social Studies for 10 years before transitioning to a School Library Media Specialist position in 2015. She uses her library, technology, and curriculum expertise to support students and teachers as a Digital Literacy Coach.

She earned her undergraduate degree from Appalachian State University. In 2004, she earned an M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction from UNC Greensboro, and in 2016, she earned her Master of Library Science degree from East Carolina University. She is a Level 2 Google Certified Educator.

She and her husband have two children and one spoiled dog named Lucy. In her downtime, she enjoys reading, playing board games, and laughing as much as possible.

You can follow her on Twitter @techplusbooks.

Charity Harbeck

Charity Harbeck is a high school librarian/Digital Literacy Coach who loves the ever-changing nature of school librarianship.

She began her working life with Computer Sciences Corporation as an Air Force Contractor. From there she became an elementary teacher in California. Moved to Maryland and taught for one year before becoming a school librarian for elementary for over ten years. Finally, graduated to high school librarian! Which she has practiced in both Maryland and North Carolina.

She earned a BFA from James Madison University, an M.A.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction from Chapman University, and a Library Media Certification from College of Notre Dame of Maryland. She has Tech credentials in this and that including a Google Innovator.

She and her husband had a spoiled old dog named Duffy who crossed the Rainbow Bridge October 2020. Ms. Harbeck enjoys reading, drawing/painting, slow running and laughing as much as possible.

You can follow her on Twitter @harbeckc.

Laura Aldridge

Laura Aldridge is a school library media coordinator at Durant Road Middle School in Raleigh. She gets excited about gamified learning and virtual realities. Her favorite genres include historical fiction and sci-fi.

Prior to her work in school libraries, she worked for Wake County Public Libraries and taught high school English.

She is a graduate of East Carolina University and North Carolina Central University. Laura recently completed course work at UNC Greensboro for School Library Supervision licensure.

Her favorite time of day is reading to her children before bed. Laura's spoiled dog is named Corduroy (yes, like the bear). When she's not reading, she likes to browse cookbooks, plan vacations she can't afford, and laugh as much as possible (preferably with friends).

You can follow her on Twitter @NCLaurbrarian.