The Map Room

Behind this painting is a giant map of Venice, with six regions circled. At the bottom are the words, sex claves invenire, or six keys to find to determine the secret. We must search the land, traveling to each replica and each courtyard, and try to find Renaissance works of art. As we do, Langdon will determine what the numbers mean at his office, and inform us of where to go next.

The following adventure is more open-ended than the other segments of the quest, and so is harder to replicate on the website and you will have to use your imagination. In short, you visit a variety of locations in Venice, including the Campinelle Tower, Santa Maria Basilica, and even a few random locations, such as the Bond Hotel, which possesses clues to this secret society's whereabouts. As we do, Langdon informs us on the history of certain Venetian landmarks, doubling as an educational experience.

Ultimately, we find the words to be made out as the Scuole Grandi, which confuses Langdon greatly. They were indeed a society, but they were not religiously tied as he was expecting. They were an artistic and musical movement comprised of dedicated Venetians, regardless of class, participating in the art they loved. What could be their secret?

Head to the Conclusion Page on the Website, and click on the Scuole Grandi's picture.