Mod 5

Faculty/Librarian Collaborations


If you have completed the first four modules of this course, you should now have an understanding of what information literacy is and why it is important to instill these competencies in your students. But how do you go about incorporating this instruction into your curriculum? How do you address information literacy needs while also meeting the required disciplinary goals for your course? This module presents strategies for librarians and faculty members to work together in order to foster these critical competencies in our students.

Challenges and Opportunities

Consider barriers and strategies for incorporating information literacy into your teaching.

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What challenges do you face when it comes to incorporating information literacy instruction in your classroom? How might collaborating with a librarian or faculty colleague help address these challenges?

Interview with Susan Detwiler

Hear from a WCI instructor who has infused information literacy into her courses.

Download video transcript


  • What are two main points you would take away from the conversation with Susan?
  • Could you envision incorporating any of the activities she described in your own classroom? Consider the potential benefits or challenges of implementing information literacy instruction into your classroom.

Next Steps

Start thinking about the best approach for incorporating information literacy instruction into your own curriculum.

Download video transcript

Credit Activity

Complete the following activity and submit it for review to work towards a badge for this course. A rubric is available for this activity.

Create an Information Literacy Action Plan

Work through the following form to create an action plan that will guide your information literacy implementation. Once you’ve completed the activity, consider sharing your ideas with colleagues or at your next department meeting.

Special thanks to David Dickinson for his assistance with creating the videos for this module.