Mod 1

What is Information Literacy?


Information literacy is a concept that is defined and explained in this module. Separate definitions of the words "information" and "literacy" serve as a springboard to further understanding of information literacy and its importance in the modern world, overwhelmed with the amount of information. In order to survive in this world, one needs to be vigilant and selective about this information. Critical thinking as an important tool is an integral part of the process.

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • Understand the definition and concept of information literacy
  • Be familiar with different models of information literacy
  • Understand the importance of critical thinking as the foundation of information literacy

Video 1

This module strives to define a concept of information literacy by deconstructing this complex term into two separate entities, information and literacy. Then the two are put together again, and information literacy is defined on its own, as a factor of crucial importance needed by everyone in order to function in the current information world. The need to be information literate will only grow as we continue to function not only as consumers, but also producers of information.

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Special thanks to David Dickinson for his assistance with creating the video for this module