Daren is a registered Nurse, Midwife, and a Public Health professional from the Philippines. He used to work with the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines - Episcopal Commission on Health Care (CBCP-ECHC), a faith-based organization that works to promote and mainstream gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) including HIV among different Catholic schools, universities, colleges and different dioceses and parishes all over the Philippines. He finished his Master of Science in Public Health (MScPH), Major in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) at Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Besides NGO work, he also has experienced working in the academe, teaching and conducting research in the field of gender and sexuality. He also has exceptional experiences in advancing and upholding the rights of young people and LGBTQIA+ with outstanding contribution to the cause of gender equality and women’s empowerment. 

Brian is an Associate Professor V of the Social Work Department, Mindanao State University (Main Campus), Philippines whose main interest in research lies in gender-based violence and family resilience. He ranked as 2nd Place in the 2006 National Social Workers’ Licensure Examination in the Philippines. He was awarded with full scholarship under Erasmus Mundus Program with a 2-year degree of European master’s in social work with Families and Children in ISCTE-IUL Lisbon, Portugal, University of Stavanger, Norway and Gothenburg University, Sweden. He was also a recipient of Erasmus Exchange scholarship in his DOCTOR IN PUBLIC ADMISNITARTION PROGRAM of which he spent his one semester in ISCTE -IUL, Lisbon Portugal in January 2022 to June 2022. He also took lead in 2021-2022 a national scale project in Mainstreaming Anti OSAEC to Social Work Curriculum in the Philippines. Presently, he is the “Internationalization Affairs and Linkages Officer Relation Officer of the College of Public Affairs 

Ashila was awarded with the "Fabric of Change Fellowship" by the Ashoka and C & A Foundation. She authored the book "Mansandi” based on a study conducted on the impact of the global economic crisis on the lives of women workers and their working conditions. Her organization Stand Up Movement leads the women’s network of this coalition, which focuses on space for democracy in Sri Lanka. She is an active member of this collective of Trade Unions, Labor NGOs and support organizations working on the rights of women workers in the Sri Lankan apparel industry and a member of the ASIAN Gender.