The TPACK Image (Koehler, n.d.)

TPACK Simply Said

Let's put it in simpler terms. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) is a teacher's pedagogy. It's the understanding of how students learn, what are some of the best methods of teaching content, and assessment. It is when a teacher knows that it's a good time to do a turn and talk with a partner. Content Knowledge (CK) is the content that is being taught. It's the teacher's knowledge of photosynthesis or the events that lead to the Second World War. And finally, Technological Knowledge (TK) is understanding how technology works and the tools and resources it supplies. TPACK, then, is the knowledge that all three of these are needed to provide the best learning environment for 21st century learners.

TPACK is the knowledge that technology is not simply added to the content being taught, but rather, technology is already part of the lesson's whole.

What is TPACK?

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

TPACK is a theory that explains the knowledge that teachers need to effectively teach children using technology (McGRaw-Hill Education, n.d.). It focuses on not only the three forms of knowledge: Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), Content Knowledge (CK) and Technological Knowledge (TK), but also the overlapping concepts of the three (Koehler, 2012). At the center crossroads of the three forms of knowledge lies the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK).

4th Grade TPACK Lesson Example

TPACK Geometry Lesson Plan


Common Sense Education. (2014, November 3). Introduction to the TPACK model [Video]. Retrieved from
McGraw-Hill Education. (2017). What is TPACK theory and how can it be used in the classroom? Retrieved from
Koehler, M. (n.d.). Retrieved from