What is RAT?

Replace, Amplify, Transform

RAT is simple. It is a guide for the way in which an educator implements technology into a lesson plan. It is looking at a lesson and deciding whether the technology is a replacement for the paper and pencil, an amplification to what was, or if the lesson is completely transformed due to the addition of technology (McHugh, 2014).

Replacement: A different means to the same end

Amplification: Increases efficiency and productivity but no real change

Transformation: A complete change to learning, instruction or the curriculum

Think of RAT in the form of a drink...

Replace: Changing a glass of water to a glass of tonic water

Amplify: Adding gin and a lemon wedge to that glass of tonic water

Transform: Making a completely new gin cocktail

Thinking of RAT in an actual educational context...

Replace: Doing a quiz using Google Forms

This could have been done with paper and pencil, making this addition of technology a form of replacement.

Amplify: Using Google Slides for a presentation

This is not something that could have been done simply with paper and pencil, however making a presentation was more efficient and so the lesson was amplified.

Transformation: Students post information on Seesaw with a voice over explanation, students view others posts and respond, parents and teachers add thoughts to the discussion

This lesson could not have been done without the addition of technology, therefore making the initial idea completely transformed.

Not every lesson needs to have a complete transformation with the inclusion of technology. However, if technology is only being used as a replacement time and again, one must stop to think if the learner is getting what they need to advance in this digitally based world.


McHugh, S. (2014).The RAT, SAMr, transformative technology, & Occam's Razor. Retrieved from http://doverdlc.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-rat-samr-transformative-technology.html

Sean McHugh (2018, June 13). RAT [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=BNcNWGeWRHo