Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

Cogs of Cognition (Schrock, 2012)

Do You Remember Bloom's?

Anyone who has been through some sort of teaching program has heard of educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom's orders of thinking, Bloom's Taxonomy (Clark, 2015). We've seen the triangle that shows the lower order thinking skills at the bottom and then the progress up to the higher order thinking skills.

In the late 90's, a student of Bloom, Lori Anderson and colleague David Krathwohl, revised Bloom's original description of orders of thinking from nouns to verbs (Clark, 2015). These verbs are the cognitive processes educators from all over still use today.

      • Remembering
      • Understanding
      • Applying
      • Analyzing
      • Evaluating
      • Creating

What Is Bloom's Digital Taxonomy?

Bloom's Revised Taxonomy focused on thinking in more of an active form (Clark, 2015). The verb form of the taxonomy increased the ease of usability for educators, making lesson planning using Bloom's Taxonomy more obtainable.

Since Bloom's Revised Taxonomy was published, a lot has changed in education. With Web technologies now a part of daily lives, Andrew Churches (2009) found a need to again update Bloom's Taxonomy. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy was designed to "address the newer objectives, processes and actions presented by the emergence and integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into the lives of ourselves and our students; into our classrooms and increasingly into almost every activity we undertake" (Churches, 2009, p.6).

Clicking on the image at the right will give an easy to use list of verbs for each level of thinking skills. These verbs are relatable to the 21st century classroom and a handy reference when lesson planning. There's also The Padagogy Wheel V4.1 (Carrington, 2015) that gives a list of apps, activities, and action verbs that align with Bloom's Taxonomy. If you'd like to learn more about Bloom's Digital Taxonomy, see the video below (Common Sense Education, 2016).

Bloom's Verbs for planning (Watanabe, 2015)
ReferencesCarrington, A. (2015). The padigogical wheel v5.0. Retrieved from .pdf
Churches, A. (2009). Bloom’s digital taxonomy [PDF]. Retrieved from
Clark, D. (2015, January 12). Bloom’s taxonomy of learning domains [Blog Post]. Retrieved from
Common Sense Education. (2016, July 12). What is bloom’s digital taxonomy? [Video File]. Retrieved from
Schrock, K. (2012). The cogs of cognitive processes [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
Watanabe-Crockett, L. (2015, June 11). Bloom’s digital taxonomy verbs [Infographic]. Retrieved from