
1. MIT-UNIPI project (2021-22) ``Ecological Macroeconomics for an Equitable Resilient and Inclusive Transition in the U.S.'' (EMERITUS) fund by Seed Fund.

Principal Investigator in collaboration with Prof Nicholas A. Ashford (MIT) and Prof Ralph Hall (Virginia Tech) - 2021/2022

2. LOCOMOTION (2019-2023), led by the University of Valladolid and funded by EU-H2020.

3. Coesione Sociale nella Transizione Ecologica (Ecoesione - 2021-22), financed by Italian Ministery of Environment (Bando Snsvs 2), Universitá di Pisa (IT). Ref: Prof. Simone D’Alessandro

4. Shaky capitalism: How business and finance respond to global threats (2021-22), Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo (PRA-2020-52), Universitá di Pisa (IT). Ref: Prof. Elisa Giuliani

5. Model of Job Creation in a Post-Growth Economy (2018-20), led by Prof. S. D'Alessandro at the University of Pisa and funded by EUROGREEN.

6. ViWaN, The global virtual-water network: social, economic, and environmental implications: social, economic, and environmental implications (2012-15), FIRB Futuro in Ricerca 2012 Linea 3.