Virtual Officer Elections

The abrupt end of last school year and the difficulty of starting the new school year may find you needing to navigate virtual elections. It's very important to make sure you are following as accurately as possible the election processes and procedures as outlined by your constitution.

You will need to determine the best way to provide candidate information for your school then put a voting process in place.

You can use recorded speeches or candidate bios. Below is a Google form you can make a copy of then place speeches or bios into the form.

Make a copy of the Google Form here.


With the absence of in-person ballot voting, Google Forms offers an accessible and easy to use format for voting. Keeping confidentiality in mind, Google Forms allows the election and voting organizer to limit the number of people who have access to edit the form. Be sure to refer to your constitution to identify which individual is responsible for developing and counting the ballots. This individual will need special access to the form to review the data. If this is unclear, ask your advisor for assistance.Things to keep in mind when creating the ballot:

  1. Provide clear instructions on how to complete the ballot. If members are allowed to vote for only 1 nominee per position, make sure this is stated.

  2. If members are allowed to vote for only 1 nominee per position, the question format should not allow the voting member to select multiple options.

  3. Do not ask for identifying information. Voting should be anonymous.

  4. Check to make sure the executive board positions and the nominees for each position are listed correctly.

  5. If your organization allows "write ins", make sure there is a spot on the form to do this.

Once the form has been created, be sure to share the form or link with members only to avoid non-members from voting. Remember to set a voting deadline with date and time. Once the deadline has passed, unselect the "Accepting responses" button located at the top of the form. This will prevent anyone who missed the deadline from voting.