
Stalker Conclave

Patience, Discipline

You have spent years mastering the art of the Ambush.

On your first turn in combat, you gain +10 bonus to your base movement speed.

You gain one additional attack when you use the Attack Action this (first) turn.

Someone, Something, Is Always Watching

You have trained in the knowledge and understanding that many creatures in this world rely on Dark Vision, and use their weaknesses to your advantage. Such creatures gain no benefit when attempting to detect you when hiding in dark and dim conditions.

When attempting to Hide, the DM determines if the creature gains no benefit from it's Dark Vision, as it may be able to trace your form once it knows what to look for.

Stalker's Arsenal

Your intense training has granted you access to skills used to outwit your opposition.

You gain Dark Vision to a range of 90 feet, if you already have Dark Vision, you increase it's range by 30 feet instead.

You gain access to the spells below, these spells count as ranger spells for you, but dont count against the amount of spells that you able to know.

Ranger Level. Spell

3rd. Disguise Self

5th. Rope Trick

9th. Glyph of Warding.

13th. Greater Invisibility.

17th. Seeming.

Stalker's PERSISTENCE - Level 5

You may attack twice instead of once, when ever you take the Attack action on your turn. (This effect does not stack)

Trained Mind - Level 7

Your mind has been trained, it has experienced great pain, manipulations and uncontrollable fear. You gain proficiency with Wisdom saving throws.

Stalker's Relentless Pursuit - Level 11

Your attacks are like a blur, and are only followed through when the attack lands perfectly.

Once on each of your turns, when you miss with an attack, you can make another attack immediately.

Tip the Scales - Level 15

Your presence is imposing and fearful. Those going up against you can feel your cold eyes, and you take advantage of this, stepping into their attacks without fear to cause unease and make the attacker flinch.

Whenever a creature attacks you and DOES NOT have advantage, you can use your Reaction to impose a Disadvantage against the creature's attack roll.

You must use this feature BEFORE the result has been resolved. IE. If the result of the attack dice has been rolled (eg the Attacker rolls and receives a gets a natural 20 (or any result), it is too late to declare this feature). Remind your DM as combat starts if you want to make sure that you have time to declare this feature.

Based on the Unearthed Arcana Revised Ranger p.7 by Wizards of the Coast