
Path Strider

Animal Companion - Level 3

Your bond to the wilds is noticed by the Ley Spirits. They grant you a companion that forms a powerful communal bond with you.

You spent 8 hours communing a ley spirit that presses against your conscious mind, mediating with it and it's mind, spending 50 GP worth or Rare Herbs and Fine Food in sacrifice to the Ley Spirits, once the 8 hours are completed, and the Ley Spirits accept your offering, creature's spirit manifests into it's corporeal form, manifesting with all of the benefits of your Companion's Bond ability.

For now on, no matter the type of creature in result of the communion, the spirits that lies within it's heart is the same, through death and rebirth, you and it are intertwined till obliteration. You may not manifest this spirit into multiple creatures at one time.

The exact type of creature provided is up to the Discretion of the DM, but this should be something you both come to a conclusion on preferences before the session. Creatures are limited to what is in the area for the Ley Spirits to emulate, and so summoning a Lion in the middle of the Ocean may not be possible.

A beast can serve as an animal companion if it is Medium or smaller, has 15 or fewer hit-points, and cannot deal more than 8 damage with a single attack. In general, that applies to creatures with a challenge rating of 1/4 or less, but there are exceptions.

If your Animal Companion is ever slain or loses it's life, you may spend another 8 hours communing with the Ley Spirits to grant it a new body to rest in with the expenditure of at-least 25 gp worth of Rare Herbs and Fine Food. You may also use this ritual to grant your animal companion a new form.

Companion's Bond - Level 3

Your animal companion gains a variety of alterations in it's manifested form:

  • The Animal Companion loses it's Multi attack action, if it has one.
  • The Companion Obeys your commands as best it can. It rolls for initiative like any other creature, but you determine it's actions, decisions, attitudes and so on. If you are incapacitated or absent, the companion acts autonomously. (DM decides it's actions)
  • When using your Natural Explorer feature, you and your Animal Companion can both move Stealthily at a normal pace.
  • Your companion uses uses your Proficiency Bonus rather than it's own, this bonus is also added to AC and it's Damage Rolls.
  • Your animal companion gains Proficiency in two skills of your choice. It also becomes proficient in ALL saving throws.
  • For each Level after Level 3, you animal companion gains an additional Hit Die, and the hitpoints that come with that Hit Die.
  • Each time you would be able to gain the Ability Score Improvement class feature, you companion may increase one ability score of your companion of your choice by 2, or two different scores by 1. This cannot increase a score over 20, unless otherwise specified.
  • Your companion shares your alignment and tries to push for your motivations to succeed, it also has a Personality Trait and Flaw that you can roll for or select on the tables below. Your Companion shares your Ideal and it's bond is always 'The ranger who travels with me is a beloved companion, for whom i would gladly give my life.'
  • Your Animal Companion gains the benefits of your Favored Enemy feature, and of your Greater Favoured enemy feature at which point you gain it. It uses the same enemies as you have specified.

d6 Trait

1. I'm dauntless in the face of adversity.

2. If you threaten my friends, you threaten me.

3. I keep one eye open so others can rest.

4. People see an animal and think i'm not sentient nor cognitive, I will use their underestimate to my advantage.

5. I have an uncanny ability to show up just as everything is going wrong.

6. I put my friends' needs always ahead of my own.

d6 Flaw

1. If there's food left unattended, i can't help myself. I will find a way to eat it.

2. I growl at strangers, I can't tell who is a stranger or a friend but my companion.

3. Any time or place is good for a Belly Rub from anyone.

4. I don't do water. It is for drinking, that's it.

5. When I see someone that I haven't seen for some time, a licking frenzy ensues. (Some time is arbitrary)

6. I pounce on my loved ones to show them how much I care for them.

Synchronised Attack - Level 5

You know each through intuitive sense, and can coordinate your attacks with ease.

When you the Ranger make an attack action on your turn, if your companion can see you, the companion may spend it's reaction to also make a melee attack at the same time. If the companion is attacking the same target as you, it gains advantage regardless of positioning.

The Ranger gains all benefits to perception that the Beast would, such as better smelling, eye sight, hearing.

Empowered Bond - Level 7

Your bond grants confidence and power to your companion, when it sees you it gains solidarity to push through the hardship.

While your companion can see you, it has Advantage on all Saving Throws.

Rip and Tear - Level 11

Your companion enrages and with it's adrenaline makes a series of cleaving attacks.

Your companion may use it's action to make a melee attack against each creature of it's choice within 5 feet of it, with a separate attack roll for each target.

Superior Empowered Bond - Level 15

Your bond is strong enough to intuitively warn your companion without words.

When ever an attacker that you can see hits it your companion with an attack, your companion may use it's reaction to halve the attack's damage against it.

Based on the Unearthed Arcana Revised Ranger p.7 by Wizards of the Coast