
Path of the Husk Touched

As a child, you were exposed to the terrors of the Swarm first hand. You came face to face with a Husk Worm, the undead life eaters that the Swarm use as hives. You managed to survive, but your Psyche and body have never been the same. When you get mad, foul things happen.

Rage Casting - Level 3

You can cast spells while in a rage, as long as the spell's casting time is no more than 1 action, does not require concentration, and you are wearing no armour. Your rage damage applies to spells cast in a rage.

If a spell casting damages more than one target, you must choose a single target that your rage damage affects.

Spell Slots

Use the Eldritch Knight subclass Spellcasting Table as your Table. (TO DO: Add here).

You know Three 1st-Level Wizard spells of your choice, any spells you learn must be either Evocation or Necromancy, you may choose these from the Wizard Spell list.

Spellcasting Ability

Wisdom is your Spellcasting Ability for your wizard spells.

Spell Save DC. 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier

Spell Attack Modifier. Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier.

Furious SPELLCRAFT - Level 6

Weapons and Magic are equally an extension of your maddening rage.

When you attack recklessly, you can choose not to take an advantage on your attack, attacking only once with your attack action and cast a single action spell as a bonus action.

This spell must be used at Lowest Level possible.

Eldritch Intuition - Level 10

You are instinctively aware of all magic auras. After you have been in the presence of a magical aura for over 1 minute, you can sense it's presence, though you cannot discern it's origin or the school of magic to which it belongs.

Eldritch Conclusion - Level 14

You can expel the might of your rage in it's entirety to unleash a devastating storm of Eldritch rage. When you end your rage early as an action, all creatures within 15 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d6 force damage for each round you've spent in a rage, or half as much on a successful save. After you use this ability, your stored power is drained, and you must complete a short or long rest before using this feature again.

Based on Rage-Mage from Middle Finger of Vecna by 'The Finger'