
Path of the Aberration

Foul Appendage - Level 3

When enraged, your body reveals it's true form. One of your arms rapidly morphs into a foul appendage. You may decide how this looks, but it enables you to grapple a target at range.

Whilst enraged, you may make a Melee / Ranged (Strength) attack on a target up to 15 feet away on a target that is not behind cover that you can see.

Targets grappled this way may be pulled towards you, this target must make a contested Strength (Athletics) check. If the target fails the check, the target is dragged towards you. If the target succeeds, it has advantage on it's next attempt to Escape from the Grapple. You may pull targets as a bonus action to you if they are paralysed or unconscious.

You can move towards the target without invoking the 'Moving a Grappled Creature' effect, but moving away from the target (even after moving towards) require's you to use this effect if you want to continue to grapple the target. PHB. 195

Hungering Maw - Level 6

Your mouth becomes monstrous when enraged. You are no longer able to speak clearly when enraged, and make a series of guttural noises when attempting to communicate.

When enraged, you may attempt to consume the life force of someone you have grappled, if it has life force, and have it grappled within touch range. You may make a melee touch attack on a grappled target. This attack deals 2d6 damage, and if hits the target must making a constitution saving throw. If the target fails, Hungering Maw gives the barbarian health equal to the damage he dealt with this attack and the target gains one additional level of exhaustion, targets at 3 or below exhaustion are no longer able to be effected by this ability, and succeed automatically. If the target is successful, the Barbarian heals for 1d4 instead.

The damage of this ability increase to 3d6 at level 10, and 4d6 at level 14.

Depths Reaver - Level 10

Your body pushes towards the Aberrant further, and when raging your body becomes rigid and chitinous, and seep and earth melting acid.

You gain a Burrow speed when Enraged of 15ft, able to spend an action 'sprinting' to reach 30ft. You are able to burrow through natural and 'soft' terrain, but stone and man made objects are more dense. Up to DM's discretion.

You gain Resistance to acid damage.

Essence Devourer - Level 14

The aberrant effect extends to your weapons, as you enrage, items you hold may be encompassed by your chitinous form.

As you cleave through your enemies, if they were living you regenerate health based on their Hit Dice. When a creature dies next to you, the DM rolls one dice of the creature's hit dice to determine how much you heal from the death.

As you engage your targets, upon a critical strike, your hunger is quenched. Through the chitinous growth on your weapon, you drain their life as if you were using the Hungering Maw feature, including it's damage. This may extend the exhaustion up to the 5th state of exhaustion, instead of just the 3rd.