Splitting Your Hive
Splitting the Hive
On the first warm days of September when the Macadamia & citrus trees are in flower I assess each hive by observing directly through the Perspex ceiling if the hive is full & also by the number of bees entering & leaving at midday.
Those that are full (Weigh 4.5 Kg) & vigorous are then moved to a suitable table alongside an empty hive box.
The staples holding the box together are removed & the hive is cut across the centre-line with a sharp knife.
If the hive inside does not look full enough it can be re-assembled & returned to its location until next year.
If the hive is full then the old full top is placed on a new empty bottom, stapled, then returned to the original location.
The full bottom is next covered with an empty top, stapled & moved to a new location.
The correct movement of old top & bottom is VERY IMPORTANT as through ignorance I have lost new hives to invading beetles.
Open Days at Cundletown
I hold open days on the weekends in September when all are welcome to observe my procedure, practice on my hives before your own & ask any questions so that you can avoid the mistakes that I have made.
NO bee are sold in September.