TAPHE Awards

TAPHE awards are presented each year at the annual TAPHE conference. TAPHE Awards acknowledge our outstanding Health and Physical Education teachers across the province of Nova Scotia. It is an incredible feeling to be recognized by your peers and the parents of the children you teach for teaching excellence . Give that feeling to the Health and Phys. Ed. teachers who inspire their students and colleagues on a daily basis. (Remember that most elementary classroom teachers teach Health in NS.)

There are short nomination forms and detailed nomination forms. The nomination process is as easy or as thorough as you want to make it.

Click HERE to access the nomination forms

The Dorothy G. Walker Award of merit is presented to a teacher, supervisor, and/or administrator who has made a notable contribution to the development of physical and health education in the province of Nova Scotia.

Nomination Deadline: March 31st


The TAPHE Farida Gabbani Young Professional Award annually honours up to three young Nova Scotian teachers under the age of 34 who epitomize exemplary work on behalf of the health and/ or physical education professions.

Nomination Deadline: March 31st


The TAPHE Regional Award for Teaching Excellence in Physical Education honours Nova Scotian teachers for their work in furthering physical education in our province and who provide outstanding teaching at the elementary, middle or secondary levels, and who have an exceptional ability to motivate students to participate in a building physical literacy within a healthy, active lifestyle.

Nomination Deadline: March 31st


The TAPHE Regional Award for Teaching Excellence in Health Education honours Nova Scotian teachers for their work in furthering health education in our province and who provide outstanding teaching at the elementary, middle or secondary levels, and who have an exceptional ability to motivate students to participate in a healthy, active lifestyle.

Nomination Deadline: March 31st

*A regional award is presented to an outstanding Health Educator and Physical Educator for each school board in Nova Scotia. A provincial winner is selected from the regional nominations and is submitted to PHE Canada to be considered for the National Health and Physical Education Awards. The provincial nomination form requires detail and 2 supporting letters.