
  • re TAPable, navigation refers to how TAPpers move from position to position in the TAPworld structure

negative agreement

  • re a TAP case-list, negative agreement is found at the bottom zone of a TAPgroup list or TAPgrouping list

  • its group agreement about what possibility is the worst way to fulfill the intent of the case

  • negative agreement should never be pursued further, but it's very useful for everyone in the group to fully understand

  • its one other way to establish similarity between group members - creating a stronger bond

negative creativity

  • re all possible creativity, negative creativity is creativity that nets more harm than help

  • it's bad for THEM and the future world

new model

  • re TAP, the new model is an alternative model that TAP proposes to, as quickly as possible, shift over to in mind and understanding and then work hard at transitioning to in reality

new possibility

  • re TAP, new possibility is the same as alternative possibility

  • BUT... TAP is ONLY interested in world improvement new possibility

  • long-term world improvement -

    • NOT short-term world improvement

non-physical realm

  • one or the two realms TAP believes comprises the entirety of our universe

  • the more important of the two realms

  • see physical realm; examples of concepts that are of the non-physical realm are:

    • mathematics

    • thought

    • information

    • story

    • spirituality

    • psychographics

    • belief

    • understanding

    • truth

    • etc


  • important info that contains:

    • error

    • fiction

    • skew

    • misinfo

    • disinfo

    • deception

    • lies

    • etc


  • re TAP novel means NOT existing already

  • re TAPable, novel especially pertains to submitting additional case-lists - both cases and list items

  • novel does not mean a morph of what already exists -

    • TAPpers are free to create and utilize morphs as they think best