
  • recommended: "for our kids & grandkids"


  • business entity name

  • acronym for: Toward Alternative Possibility

  • also:

    • Truth About People

    • The Alien's Project

    • The Aliens' Project


  • name of platform, tool, game


  • TAP makes possible a real virtual afterlife world

  • re TAPable, it will be introduced later

  • the TAPafterlife innovation is the core of tackling and eliminating suicide in society


  • TAP artificial intelligence

  • TAPai is a very different type of AI from what exists and is being created in today's world

  • TAPai is response-only AI,

    • which means it cannot initiate anything on its own -

      • a real human being must initiate the thing that will elicit the response from the TAPai

  • TAPai does NOT seek the correct or error-free response -

    • instead it only looks to replicate what the unique person and mind would likely to have responded with

  • TAPai is personalized AI

  • it works for the individual -

    • to make that individuals life better & happier


  • re TAPable, the TAPalgorithm is a mathematical solution for combining lists from different engagement participants -

    • to form a single voice that represents the specified participants in perfect combination


  • re TAP and future software, the TAPbot is a version of AI that exists to educate minds on all things TAP

  • it can provide best responses to questions TAP explorers ask

  • it can handle all languages and even many info presentation preferences specified by explorers

  • the TAPbot can handle thousands of simultaneous explorers

  • it can also take care of novel questions that have no responses yet, alerting TAP experts to co-create best responses


  • re TAP, the TAPchallenge is an invitation to all to debate with logic all things TAP

    • the whole TAPmodel, any TAP system and/or a particular TAPinnovation

  • the TAPchallenge also seeks improvement ideas -

    • small tweaks or whole new solutions


  • re TAPable, the TAPclock is an innovative tool for assessing how well humanity is doing per its objectives


  • TAP collaboration

  • re TAP and later TAPable, TAPcollaboration refers to a novel way for groups of people, two (2) plus -

    • to work together much more efficiently & effectively with no leadership or argument with an automated process for:

      • automated group-effort process

      • group decision-making

      • harmonious co-creation

      • honest identity

      • awareness of all logical possibility

      • prioritization of all possibility

  • Learn more here


  • TAP communication

  • re TAP, TAPcomm is the act of sharing info from mind to mind without speaking, chatting, texting, commenting or liking

  • TAPcomm existed to:

    • reduce/ eliminate misinfo

    • reduce/ eliminate misunderstanding

    • reduce/ eliminate misinterpretation

    • increase awareness of alternative possibility

    • establish way better context

    • reduce/ eliminate bullying

    • etc


  • re TAPable, the TAPCOVIDclock is another humanity assessment tool,

    • but focused on how well humanity is doing in the fight against physical-world viruses


  • re TAP, TAPcurrency is innovative new type of global currency that cannot be manipulated by anyone

  • TAPcurrency is 100% digital, trackable and unhackable

  • it continuously goes thru a periodic cycling of zeroing & refreshing,

    • so as to simplify data hacking concerns

  • it's all based on a new form of 'gold standard' type concept that is much more logical given the fuel of the TAPecon


  • TAP economy

  • re TAP, TAPecon is an alternative economic model and set of systems that guarantee balance and long-term sustainability -

    • no matter what world events happen next

  • TAPecon is a global economic model


  • TAP economy fuel

  • re TAP, TAPeconfuel is the fuel that keeps the TAPecon balanced, consistent and sustainable forever

  • TAPeconfuel is creativity

  • the fuel is found within the realm that has no limitations,

    • so it is endlessly available

  • it's tapped (mined or drilled) by human minds


  • TAP Education

  • re TAP, TAPEd, is a different way to go about educating individual minds of the world

  • TAPEd is grounded more in the truth than in what special-interest wants everyone to believe is the truth and best for the present and the future

  • TAPEd first gets introduced with content that focuses on teaching the details of TAP itself,

    • so TAPEd first starts out as a education system that helps everyone better understand TAP itself

  • TAPEd is interactive and a self-driven type education system with many innovations included for creating a better UX with continuously improving content

  • TAPEd also utilizes the TAPweb


  • re TAP, TAPfear refers to a very different world that has very different types of fear from what exists today

  • imagine a world where people:

    • are more open and share more openly

    • do not keep secrets as much

    • do not focus on ownership or profiting from their creativity

    • instead, they fear NOT having their creativity:

      • enter the awareness of others or

      • positively impact others

    • survive after physical death and continue to positively impact others and the future world

  • TAPfear encourages greater positive behavior


  • the TAPgame is the game of life that is played by everyone in the alternative TAPworld


  • re TAP, TAPhope is the recognition that perhaps TAP & TAPable are indeed the seeds of hope for a better future world


  • TAP important info(rmation)

  • TAPii is a subset of all information in the world

  • TAPii is a simpler way to reference important info

  • see important info(rmation)


  • TAPinnovations include a broad spectrum of alternative methods, systems and tools based of new discoveries of possibility that all stemmed from imagining a whole new model of human civilization based on reality, limitations and truth


  • TAPintelligence is a different and specific way to assess intelligence across the entirety of the universe

  • TAPintelligence places everything physical on a continuum of intelligence based on selfishness


  • will repurpose a dynamic 3D structure 'the alien' discovered many years ago

  • static logo images can be taken from it

  • it features 25 mini-cubes arranged in 3D space

  • it features six (6) alignment views

  • endless text-based terms and phrases can be featured in sets of six (6)

    • e.g. a TABable cube might have the words:

      • TAPable, for, our, kids, &, grandkids

      • TAP, a, new, way, to, communicate

      • Toward, Alternative, Possibility, Truth, About, People


  • TAPmemorialization is an evolutionary step forward in post physical death memorialization

  • it's directly connected to TAPai and TAPafterlife


  • re TAP, a TAPnewbie is anyone who first begins to explore and understand TAP

  • re TAPEd. a TAPnewbie is someone who is new to exploring TAPEd


  • TAPopenness refers to the great increase in the open sharing on honest data & info in the TAPworld

  • TAPopenness naturally results because of TAPfear and TAPownership


  • TAPownership is best understood by imagining a world where ownership is mostly eliminated and replaced with the alternative concept of temporary usage



  • a TAPplatform is any digital platform that claims itself to be based in the alternative possibility that TAP claims to be possible

    • e.g. TAPable is just one TAPplatform -

      • maybe the first to be developed and launched as a commercial venture


  • TAP Project Management

  • TAP recognizes the great importance of a project management tool for collaboration purposes and the TAPPM is TAP's solution for such a tool

  • TAPPM is very different than today's PM systems -

    • it eliminates the hierarchical management leadership system

    • TAPPM also eliminates meetings, debate and voting


  • re TAPable, TAPpoints are both a positive behavior incentivization & rewards solution and an ecommerce microcash solution


  • the software platform/tool/game that will be developed and launched for market testing TAPable

  • TAPpreMVPv1.0

    • the very first version of software - to be developed & launched

    • may or may NOT actually launch - pivots can and will happening during the dev process

  • TAPpreMVPv1.1

    • next version with slight changes

  • TAPpreMVPv2.0

    • next version with more major changes


  • TAPprivacy approaches privacy issues a very different way

  • TAPprivacy eliminates privacy concerns by eliminating the need for privacy

  • in today's world privacy is a huge concern because secrecy is a concept baked into so much of society,

    • but with TAP many of the problematic concepts are greatly reduced toward elimination with much improved solution systems and rules

  • see TAPownership

  • see secrecy


  • the TAPprocess is one that automatically moves forward without anyone or anything becoming an obstacle to forward progress

  • it plays out in known timed steps

  • it always includes input from all group members

  • it counts the input from each member equally

  • it automatically finds the agreement that always exists


  • re TAPable, TAPreward(s) come in a variety of forms:

    • TAPpoints that have real-world economic value

    • influencer re the DTL component of the platform

    • achievement recognition

    • increased happiness due to better understanding what might be truth

    • increased hopefulness due to an alternative model that is grounded in truth and has primary objectives of balance and long-term sustainability of humanity and our biosphere

    • better understanding

    • feeling more an equal

    • feeling counted

    • feeling more in control

    • self-respect

    • etc


  • re TAP and eventually within TAPable, the TAPring is a solution for organizing a set (3+) of entities (TAPpers or TAPgroups) -

    • around a ring structure based on attributes specified

  • with any one subject as focus, the structure identifies the mostlike, leastlike, right 90er & left 90er -

    • all based on quantifiable assessment data


  • re TAP, TAPsacrifice is sacrifice of old inefficient & wastefulness ways,

    • but with novel alternative world-improvement ways to fill the void the sacrifice makes in life of the sacrificer


  • TAPstorytelling is an alternative way to tell stories with more honest and truthful story data

  • TAPstorytelling can be used to create a whole new type of news channel in the media industry -

    • news based on real-world honesty data

  • TAPstorytelling will eventually be implemented within TAPable


  • the TAPtool is a general term that refers to the interactive software platform that continues all the novelty and alternative solutions built atop TAPinnovations


  • TAPvoice is the voice of one's mind speaking so the rest of the world can hear what it has to say in an alternative way than the more common human speak or human writing methods

  • TAPvoice happens thru greatly improved identity and greatly improved possibility prioritization lists


  • re TAP, the TAPweb is a solution system for improved participant organization

  • it places participants within a dynamic ever-changing web structure that allows for participant movement as understanding increases -

    • those who understand better semi-automatically get moved toward the center of the web

  • the TAPweb also improves comm


  • To Be Determined

temporary usage

  • re TAPownership, temporary usage replaces traditional ownership

  • temporary usage asks everyone to think of themselves as a temporary user of life's things, especially physical things

  • the things often existed before we were born and they will continue to exist after we die -

    • thus while alive we temporarily use them


  • The POV TAP asks everyone to think and act from


  • re TAP, truth is defined quite differently than it is understood in today's world

  • TAP believes truth is often a dynamic ever-changing thing -

    • NOT static

  • TAP is NOT so interested in trying to establish a static universal type truth -

    • instead to focus on establishing the present moment truth of human understanding and belief -

      • knowing that it will often change with world events and new discoveries of possibility


  • re TAP, typical means most common or most likely to happen