How it works?

General info:

  • TAPable is a new type of social media gaming platform.

    • Very different than most other platforms today - NOT typical social media nor gaming.

  • TAPable is all about revealing the Truth About People (TAP) -

    • by encouraging honesty of thought, understanding, belief and true identity.

    • NOT any absolute truth -

      • instead the truth about how people really think & believe -

        • with all its misunderstanding and errors mixed in.

  • 'You' play TAPable like playing a game, but unlike most games, with the help of 'your' personal TAPavatar.

    • 'Your' TAPavatar takes over whenever 'your' focus leaves the game.

  • 'You' and like-minded others co-create a new type of very important information.

    • Info that will be used by all the world to improve our world.

Target audience:

  • TAPable is targeting open-minded people of the entire globe.

First problem to be addressed:

  • TAPable begins with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

  • It's going to reveal a different type of story than what is being told today.

  • A story co-created with monitoring and tracking of people's understanding, beliefs and experiences with COVID - vs. with inadequate testing of it.

What do we do?

  • TAPable presents an alternative way to generate important info -

    • and to simultaneously communicate it in real time.

  • With TAPable you do NOT, speak, text, chat, comment or like -

    • instead all you do is prioritize possibility that fulfills the intent of an important issue delivered with very specific context.

  • Sounds hard and boring, but most of the work is done by 'your' TAPavatar and TAP Deep Thought Leaders (DLTs).

    • You simply need to decide 'who all' you think is the smartest in the TAPworld.

  • There're many exciting innovations and new types of stories to explore within TAPable.

    • We promise that in time, 'you' will come to love TAPable and TAP -

      • for what it will do to help improve 'your' life and the whole world.

  • For the typical TAPper (player) -

    • there's very little 'you' need to do to play 24/7/365.

How can TAPable help my daily life?

  • TAPable can make you happier - whatever comes your way -

    • by making you feel:

      • 'you' are more in control

      • 'you' have real significant impact

      • 'you' have a more meaningful purpose

      • 'you' are an equal with everyone else

      • 'your' creativity is important

      • 'you' are helping to improve the world

      • 'you' are smarter

      • 'you' are more aware of alternative possibility

      • 'your' unique mind is what's important

How do we have more control?

  • With TAPable, 'you' get to specify who 'you' want authoring the important info 'you' seek & consume.

    • NO longer is important info controlled by:

      • Wealth power

      • Government

      • Corporations

      • Media

      • Celebrities

      • Special interest

    • 'You' now get to determine who will give you the very best in honest, truthful & factual:

      • data

      • news

      • story

      • understanding

      • awareness

      • possibility

      • alternatives

      • beliefs

      • decisions

      • next-step options

  • 'You' will be much smarter consuming TAPable important info.

What does this new form of info look like?

  • In final output form, it looks like this>>>

  • It's a graph.

  • It reveals group agreement:

    • Two forms of agreement:

      • Top (blue bars) = best possibility

      • Bottom (red bars) = worst possibility

      • Middle =

        • Disagreement

        • Uncertainty

        • Unawareness

        • Misunderstanding