
  • re TAP, sacrifice is a concept that is suggested to greatly help with creating balance

  • it's a very selfless and unselfish action to take in the world

  • old-world sacrifice most often involves non-participation and/or inactivity,

    • but the sacrifice TAP encourages mostly only involves the consumption of precious limited physical resources

  • see TAPsacrifice

second-person perspective taking

  • re more harmonious collaboration,

    • 2nd-person perspective taking involves thinking from the POV of another's mind and focusing on what they value most

  • re TAP, 2nd-person perspective taking is improved by automatically finding agreement that exists between the subjects,

    • be it two (2) or more


  • re TAP, secrecy is considered a long-term negative possibility option to employ

  • secrecy = important info,

    • usually containing more truth, kept from most others in the world =

      • misinformation & misunderstanding


  • TAP exists to greatly improve self-respect by helping to make everyone feel more equally counted in the world

  • even though most humans today are in survival mode,

    • TAP helps non-active participants feel directly impactful with their personal TAPavatar


  • re TAP, shift is the term used to indicate the speedy change in thinking and

    • hoping & believing required to slow and even stop

      • the inevitable catastrophic implosion of human civilization

        • on its present course

  • TAP believes there's NO fixing the present model and

    • that we must shift over to an alternative model based on long-term balance and sustainability


  • re TAP, simplicity is one attribute it tries to incorporate into all its alternative solution designs

  • simplicity for the user often means complexity in the backend system that delivers the simple frontend experience

  • TAP sees the universe as being far more simple than humans have thus far made it all out to be


  • re important info, skew means a slight change and inclusion of mis/dis-info,

    • such that the consumer does not readily notice the non-truth within it


  • re TAPable, a skip is the term used when a TAPper or TAPgroup explicitly decide NOT to engage in a case-list or other info generation opportunity

smart question(s)

  • re TAP, smart question(s) are what TAP seeks of explorers trying to better understand TAP

  • smart questions are NOT:

    • repeat duplicate questions that already exist with responses posted already

    • slight tweaks on posted questions

    • questions about the true identity of 'the alien'

stance position

  • re positioning within the TAPworld, stance position is the exact place in the world one's TAPavatar stands at any moment in time

  • there's no hiding in the TAPworld - stance position of every TAPper and every TAPgroup is always a public domain accessible piece of important info


  • re the TAPworld, structure refers to its structural design -

    • both generally and in detail


  • re TAPable, a subgroup is a grouping other than a whole TAPgroup or the entire population of TAPpers

  • subgroups are actually the sought after resultant of most queries that seek individual TAPpers

  • the subgroup is the resulting subset of TAPpers who all possess the attribute or set of attributes specified


  • re TAP sufficiency is the concept that there is enough of something for everyone

  • sufficiency is a complex concept given the limitations of the physical realm and the endless potential of the non-physical realm

  • sufficiency can only be assessed with explicit details given of what exactly is being assessed -

    • e.g. there's food enough for everyone,

      • but is there enough healthy food for everyone?


  • TAP is very interested in suicide prevention

  • suicide is something that starts in the mind (non-physical realm) and ends with an act, killing oneself, in the physical realm

  • TAP has novel innovations for directly combating suicide and TAP believes suicide can be completely eliminated,

    • given a new model