7 Days Tanzania Safari Itinerary (1450$ Shared Safari)



DAY 1: Arrival Pick Up (Kilimanjaro/ Arusha Airport)


Welcome to Tanzania! On arrival at Kilimanjaro Airport, you will meet by a representative who will escort you by way of road transfer to Arusha.

Accommodation in Arusha

Day 2: Tarangire National Park

Tarangire Overview


Accommodation in Tarangire

About Tarangire

Is a national park in Tanzania the name of the park originates from the Tarangire River that crosses the park. The Tarangire River is the primary source of fresh water for wild animals in the Tarangire Ecosystem during the annual dry season.

Day 3-4: Serengeti National Park

Serengeti Overview


Accommodation In Serengeti

About Serengeti

The vast plains of the Serengeti comprise 1.5 million ha of savannah. The annual migration to permanent water holes of vast herds of herbivores (wildebeest, gazelles and zebras), followed by their predators, is one of the most impressive natural events in the world.

Day 5: Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Overview


Accommodation In Ngorongoro

About Ngorongoro

Located in northern Tanzania, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area boasts the expansive and volcanic Ngorongoro Crater, teeming with the renowned "big 5" game animals - elephants, lions, leopards, buffalos, and rhinos. This stunning landscape witnesses massive herds of wildebeests and zebras as they embark on their annual migration across its plains. Amidst this natural spectacle, the semi-nomadic Maasai tribe's livestock grazes harmoniously alongside the wild inhabitants of this remarkable region. 

Day 6: Lake Manyara

Overview Lake Manyara


From Ngorongoro to Lake Manyara 32 km, Time 1 hour

Accommodation in Manyara National park

                             Standard: Tulia Hotel 45 per person per night sharing ( single 65)  ( https://www.tuliahotelandspa.com/)

About Lake Manyara National Park

At the Lake, there is large population of pink flamingo, attract more than 400 species of birds, many of them waterfowl or migrants. Large herds of buffalo, cheetah, Maasai giraffe and impala roam the lakeshores and the forested valley slopes. A Lake Manyara safari is a fascinating experience, as the park also features a ground-water forest, acacia tortilis woodland and hot springs called Maji Moto. At evening you will be back to Arusha city.

Day 7: Foothills of Kilimanjaro

You are picked up from your hotel in Arusha in the morning by our guide, who will drive you to Materuni Village, home of the Chagga tribe.

On the way, our guide will tell you about Chagga culture, village life, and the environment in which they live. Upon arrival, you will register at the village office. From the village, you can see the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.

After enjoying the scenery of the 80m high Materuni Waterfall, you slowly return to the Materuni village with your guide, where you will eat a traditional Chagga lunch. You also will have the opportunity to taste locally brewed banana beer. Next is a coffee tour, where you will learn how coffee is cultivated, dried, roasted, and processed. Finally, the Chagga people will invite you to help them grid the coffee beans, an activity accompanied by Chagga songs and dances - a fun way to learn a skill and about their culture!

After full-day trip, our driver you to the Airport. 

