6 Days Tanzania Safari Itinerary 1,200$

                 Safari overview

Embark on one of the quintessential Tanzania tours, which includes visits to the renowned Lake Manyara, Tarangire, Ngorongoro Crater, and the iconic Serengeti. Here, you can complete your "Big Five" wildlife checklist all in a single game drive. Additionally, you'll have the unique opportunity to encounter two of Tanzania's Northern tribes, the Maasai in Ngorongoro Crater. 

DAY 1: Arrival Pick Up (Kilimanjaro/ Arusha Airport)


Welcome to Tanzania! On arrival at Kilimanjaro Airport/Arusha aiport, you will meet by a representative who will escort you by way of road transfer to Arusha.

Accommodation in Arusha

Day 2: Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park is renowned for its remarkable concentration of elephants and the iconic baobab trees that grace its landscape. From June to November, during the dry season, visitors are treated to the awe-inspiring sight of vast herds comprising thousands of zebras, wildebeests, and Cape buffalos. The park is also home to a diverse array of resident wildlife, including waterbucks, giraffes, dik diks, impalas, elands, Grant's gazelles, vervet monkeys, banded mongooses, and olive baboons.

Today's adventure takes you on a full-day game drive through Tarangire, where the star attraction is undoubtedly its sizable elephant population. Additionally, you'll encounter zebras, wildebeests, giraffes, waterbucks, baboons, and impalas. The park is not just a haven for herbivores; it's also home to the top predators of the African savanna, including lions, cheetahs, and leopards.

Once you enter the park, the striking Tarangire River graces your journey, flanked by majestic acacia and baobab trees.



Accommodation in Tarangire

About Tarangire National Park

Is a national park in Tanzania the name of the park originates from the Tarangire River that crosses the park. The Tarangire River is the primary source of fresh water for wild animals in the Tarangire Ecosystem during the annual dry season.

Days 3-4: Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park Overview: Serengeti National Park, meaning "endless plains" in the Maasai language, stands as one of the world's most revered wilderness sanctuaries, inspiring writers, filmmakers, and photographers alike. Here, you'll embark on a classic tented safari, where the gentle canvas walls of your tent are all that separate you from the marvels of the Serengeti.

You'll have the freedom to choose your camp and savor moments of solitude in the midst of astonishing comfort. Take advantage of the private concession, offering serene nature walks and exhilarating night drives. Perched on the Kuka Hills' edge, your camp affords you breathtaking vistas overlooking the valley that borders the Serengeti and the Masai Mara National Reserve.


Accommodation in Serengeti:

About Serengeti: The sprawling plains of the Serengeti encompass 1.5 million hectares of pristine savannah. This wilderness hosts the remarkable annual migration of vast herds of herbivores, including wildebeests, gazelles, and zebras, as they journey to permanent water holes, pursued by their natural predators. This phenomenon ranks among the world's most astonishing natural events.

Day 5: Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro Overview


Accommodation In Ngorongoro

About Ngorongoro

Ngorongoro Conservation Area is in northern Tanzania. It’s home to the vast, volcanic Ngorongoro Crater and “big 5” game (elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino). Huge herds of wildebeests and zebras traverse its plains during their annual migration. Livestock belonging to the semi-nomadic Maasai tribe graze alongside wild animals. At evening you will be back to Arusha city.

Day 6: Lake Manyara National Park

