The upper accumulation zone of the Tré-la-tête glacier, Mont-Blanc massif, French Alps, with the Mont Blanc in the background

Research and Teaching skills/experience

-Experience with leading, organising logistics, and raising finances for multi-week remote and autonomous scientific expeditions in: Greenland, Patagonia, the Peruvian Andes, and the French Alps. 

-Sampling rock surfaces (boulders, bedrock, cobbles), rock cores, and proglacial outwash surfaces for TCN exposure dating analysis

-Sampling sediment exposures for Optically Stimulated Luminescence dating analysis

-Investigating sediment exposures to reconstruct transport and deposition history and identify lithofacies. Particular experience studying glaciogenic, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sediments. 

-Identification and mapping of surface geomorphology in mountain valleys and glacial, paraglacial and periglacial environments 

-Other field experience includes work in the Scottish highlands, the Cairngorms and the New Zealand Southern-Alps


-Experience in conducting sample preparation and processing for TCN exposure dating  analysis.        

Laboratories worked at:  a) The University of Edinburgh Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory, b) the Cosmogenic isotope analysis facility of SUERC (East Kilbride), and c) the LN2C (CEREGE, Aix-Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence). 

Specific experience with: 

1- Quartz isolation and purification. Techniques employed include rock cutting, crushing and sieving, Acid etching (agitators and/or ultrasonic baths), magnetic separation, froth floatation, magnetic separation after input of magnetite powder, manual separation under microscope. Quartz purity checks conducted using microscope and/or ICP-OES analysis.   

2- Wet chemistry for 10Be and 26Al isolation, and cathode preparation for nuclide ratio measurements by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS). 

-Experience with working from High Performance Computer facilities to run costly numerical model experiments in parallel

-Experience with working on GPU to accelerate glacier numerical modelling using deep learning 

-Experience with NetCDF data handling using NCO, CDO, GDAL and Python packages 

-Experience with Python coding language for geospatial and model data processing, model-data comparisons, and data visualization.  

-Experience with Matlab© coding language for geospatial data analysis and visualisation

-ArcGIS, QGIS and ArcScene: Extensive experience in handling and processing geospatial data and remotely-sensed topographic (DEMs) and imagery data for scientific analyses.  

-Efficient usage of Microsoft Office

-Regular usage of graphic software for publication-quality figure, graph and map editing/production in Inkscape and Adobe Illustrator CC

-The use of Mendeley and Latex for literature processing and writing of publication-quality documents

- The Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) : specific experience: modelling the past Greenland Ice Sheet evolution

- The Instructed Glacier Model (IGM) : specific experience: modelling the former european Alpine Ice Field evolution

A 2d spatially-distributed SIA iceflow model : the "icecap model"(Matlab-based). Specific experience: modelling mountain glaciers in Patagonia and Peru

-  The GlaRe flowline model : ArcGIS toolbox. 

      -Experience in writing scientific-style essays, laboratory reports and other academic works in English throughout undergraduate studies 

       -Experience in writing and publishing scientific articles in relatively constrained timescales, as evidenced by the peer-reviewed publication of 4 Ph.D. result chapters featuring previously non-existent data within the Ph.D. timeframe.    

       -Experience in writing successful research grant proposals

       -Experience with handling large amounts of scientific literature and data 

       -Experience with scientific publication reviewing : including for the Journal of Maps and Geophysical Research Letters

- Fluent in French and English. 

- German: Level A2/B1, obtained the Deutsches Sprachdiplom (A2)  and completed 2nd year German undergraduate course at the University of Glasgow.                                                                           

- Communication of personal research project to a general public audience through a successful crowdfunding campaign.

- Experience in communicating research outcome at international scientific conferences.

-Teaching undergraduate courses at the University of Edinburgh, school of GeoSciences:

       1- Lab Demonstrator on third-year undergraduate paleoclimatology/oceanography course. 

Course code: EASC09056, 1st semester 2018/2019.

       2- Field Demonstrator on third year undergraduate field course teaching glacial and fluvial geomorphology in NW Scotland. 

Course code: EASC09051:  "Field skills for Geology and physical geography".

       3- Tutor and essay marker on first-year undergraduate Physical Geography course. 

Course code:  GEGR08010,  2nd semester 2019/2020.

       4- Guest lecturer on 3rd year undergraduate Geography research design course for dissertations preparation. 

Course code: GEGR10131, 2nd semester 2020/2021. 


- Coordinator and organiser of the University of Edinburgh Cryosphere research group (School of GeoSciences) weekly meetings and research presentations, between January 2019 and June 2021. Approximately 40 presentations by members of the research group (20-30 academics) were coordinated during this period.    

     The calving and debris-covered terminus, proglacial lake and lateral moraines of Tasman glacier, Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, New Zealand