Dr. Tancrède Leger

Personal summary


"Motivated by the desire to better understand the cryosphere, my research specialises towards the analysis of ice-sheets' response to past, current and future climate change. 

Currently, I focus on reconstructing the late-Quaternary retreat pattern of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the European Alpine Ice Field. To do so, I conduct numerical ice-sheet model experiments to better understand the former dynamics of these large ice bodies. My research also contributes to mapping and dating the footprints emplaced by these colossal ice masses on the modern landscape.

Such past reconstructions enable us to better understand the complex mechanisms controlling the evolution of the cryosphere, and help refine our projections of future cryospheric and environmental change."


Visit to the Tré la Tête glacier, Mont Blanc massif, French Alps

Sampling a granite erratic boulder for Cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure dating of a distinct Quaternary ice-sheet expansion event in northeastern Patagonia (Argentina)