Talbot 2005

The Geometric Langlands Program

February 27 - March 4, 2005 in North Conway, NH

Mentored by David Ben-Zvi of University of Texas, Austin

by Megumi Harada, with p.23 contributed by Scott Carnahan


David Ben-Zvi (Texas)

Jeff Allotta (Northwestern)

Vigleik Angeltveit (MIT)

Mark Behrens (MIT)

Scott Carnahan (Berkeley)

Vivek Dhand (Northwestern)

Chris Douglas (MIT)

John Francis (MIT)

Nora Ganter (UIUC)

Teena Gerhardt (MIT)

Megumi Harada (Toronto)

Reimundo Heluani (MIT)

Andre Henriques (MIT)

Mike Hill (MIT)

Masoud Kamgarpour (Chicago)

Joel Kamnitzer (Berkeley)

Parker Lowrey (Texas)

Jacob Lurie (Harvard)

Elizabeth Mann (MIT)

Alexei Oblomkov (MIT)

Travis Schedler (Chicago)

A.J. Tolland (Berkeley)

Antti Veilahti (Northwestern)

Talk schedule






Moduli of vector bundles on surfaces. Algebraic stacks.

Tannakian categories. Reconstructing an algebraic group from its tensor category of finite-dimensional representations.

and as Tannakian categories relate to geometric Langlands for reductive groups other than GL(n):

D-modules. Beilinson-Bernstein localization (giving an equivalence between Harish-Chandra modules and sheaves of D-modules on the flag variety).

Perverse sheaves. Riemann-Hilbert correspondence with D-modules. Intersection cohomology. l-adic perverse sheaves.

Fourier-Mukai transform. Equivalences of derived categories

Representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras.

Integrable systems, quantizations of, and Hitchin's integrable system.

Langlands program. Hecke algebras. There are surveys by Gelbart and by Knapp.



Other references may be found from the geometric Langlands webpages of Vilonen and of Arinkin.

Please email the organizers at talbotworkshop (at) gmail (dot) com if you have any questions.