XFossil Free MainePERS Divestment Campaign

Campaign to immediately cease new investments by MPERS in the top 200 fossil fuel companies and divest all stock in those companies within five years. Click HERE to sign the petition.

consumer owned utility

Sierra Club AddUp Campaign for a Consumer Owned Utility in Maine: Accountability, Reliability, Affordability

Proven to work for 1 in 3 Americans over more than a century, consumer ownership is the paradigm needed for a fully electrified, decarbonized future. In 49 U.S. states and 97 Maine communities, consumer-owned utilities (COUs) keep the lights on longer, and for less. Please click HERE to learn how you can help make this happen.

This bill would amend the Maine constitution to secure rights to clean air, pure water, and a healthy environment. This form of amendment has been proposed and passed in Pennsylvania and Montana. Please click HERE to add your support.