By Brendah Andisi

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Published: November 15, 2018

Kenya seed is a company in Bungoma town. It has its headquarters in Kitale, though it has so many branches in Kapsabet, Eldoret, Kisii, Narok, and so on. The main seed producing company is in Nairobi which connects with the headquarters in Kitale.

Accompanied with my colleague Velma Kiden Kenyi, we first spoke to the storekeeper who gave details on how they work hand in hand with the farmers. He told us that the company sells seeds to farmers according to seasons, which are only two, in March and in august. In the first season, they sell maize seeds (farmers plant maize during this season) while the second season they sell cabbages, tomatoes and carrots seeds.

When the weather is hot it’s not conducive for the seeds for this; the company has very high ceilings and openings on them called cyclones (with turbines) that bring in fresh air to regulate heat. Farmers get the seeds in both retail and wholesale though some farmers prefer retail services direct from the company because they find the seeds more legit when bought directly from the company; though the retail prices in the company and in shops are the same. The company is always inspected by Kenya plant health inspectorate Service (KEPHIS).

We then met Mr. Jacob Ngeteta the branch manager. He explained that they get their weather data from Kenya Meteorological Department through the headquarters in Kitale. The headquarters also has a weather station that gives information to all its branches in Kenya. They get data and information on onset of planting. The weather station in the headquarters also connects with the one in KARLO who both major in research and production and the branches do extension. They get data and information weekly through media and SMSes. He also added that farmers are more concerned about pests and diseases at the moment and what pesticides they may use. He said that having a weather station will be of help but he had to speak to the board of directors in the headquarters before any decision. He also requested for pamphlets from the TAHMO organization for more information.