Mapping Market Segment and Users

There are some sectors, institutions and individuals who have interest of weather data/information but their needs are not well known/understood.

We want to study these needs to help TAHMO and KMD better design products and information systems that meets those needs.

1. Agricultural producers

a. Small scale farmers

b. Input providers

c. Large scale farmers

d. Farmers organizations

e. Commodity buyers

f. Extension officers

g. Crops types (e.g. Potato, Wheat etc.)

2. Water Managers

a. Water management authorities

b. Drinking water companies

c. Water producing companies

3. Disaster and Natural Hazard Managers

a. Water companies

b. Insurance companies

c. Insurance Companies

d. International agencies

e. Civil society and citizens

4. Energy providers

a. Wind farms

b. Solar/photovoltaic companies

c. Hydro-power companies

5. Agriculture Insurance companies

a. Crop insurance companies

b. Livestock insurance company

c. Aquaculture insurance

7. Others:

  • As free of a bird. Identify any other sector that really needs the data and do a study on it.