Tae Cheung Hong

C0-Editor-in-Chief and Social Media Manager of Denebola, Newton South's Official Online Newspaper

Journalist Online Portfolio




Denebola at the Arch in STL

Mr. Lee (adviser), me, Raj Brodie (Managing Editor of Graphics), and Liam Healy (Managing Editor of Photos) exploring STL. Liam is hard to spot but he is taking a photo.

Me at a Denebola meeting. We were doing a Mug Swap for the winter holidays! See our video about it here!

Me and some of the Denebola staff members at the mall after a pizza dinner at Frank Pepe's

Me and Miles Pearlman (Managing Editor of Sports) at the airport

Me and Jillie McLeod (Managing Editor of Opinions) "preparing" for a meeting

Me and Sammy McClintock (Managing Editor of Features) at dinner