March 5, 2024

Speaker: Matthew Reece (Harvard University)

Title: Instanton number as a Symmetry

Abstract: Gauge theories in d dimensions have a (d-5)-form generalized global symmetry whose conserved charge is instanton number. In quantum gravity, we expect such symmetries to always be gauged or explicitly broken. I will discuss examples of how both can happen: gauging via Chern-Simons terms or (in 4d) massless fermions, and explicit breaking via magnetic monopoles (in both abelian and nonabelian gauge theories). In the case d=4, instanton number symmetry is a “(-1)-form U(1) symmetry,” a somewhat degenerate case. I will discuss several closely analogous properties of the cases d=4 and d>4, to argue that we should take the notion of (-1)-form symmetry seriously. I will comment on some implications of this perspective for the Strong CP problem. This talk will draw on multiple papers, including with Ben Heidenreich, Jake McNamara, Miguel Montero, Tom Rudelius, and Irene Valenzuela; with JiJi Fan, Katie Fraser, and John Stout; with Daniel Aloni, Eduardo García-Valdecasas, and Motoo Suzuki; and other work in progress.