Meet The Team

Bookseller Joe, an avid lover of books and social media! 

He is the face of Swindon Story Shed and if you see him out and about do go and say hello - he loves photo opportunities and he might even have a free book or two about his person!

The wonderfully multi-talented Nick, who has an MA in Commercial Music Production and a BA in Commercial Music, has QTLS and is a very patient van driver! 

Nick has created many wonderful art pieces to support events at Waterstones, and has worked on film and television variously as a supporting artist, sound engineer, recordist, composer, producer, sound designer and voice actor.  He has also worked as a college tutor and has supported home educat

Visit to see examples of his work, and feel free to get in touch if you have any projects or collaborations you’d like to discuss!

Debi, a passionate reader and a huge supporter of the arts. 

'I worked as a bookseller in Waterstones for several years, and thoroughly enjoyed putting books in the hands of as many readers as possible! I have planned events and run book clubs, promoted new books and written a lot of reviews. However, during my time I realised that there were many readers – or would-be readers – who didn’t have access to the books in our bookshop. They couldn’t afford it, or the books weren’t in a language they understood, or they didn’t feel that they belonged in our space. The more I saw this, the more determined I became to find a way to get books – the right books – into their hands too. I planned and researched and networked until my emailing fingertips were sore, and eventually felt ready to embark on this new, thrilling and above all worthwhile journey!

I hold an MA in English Lit and a BA in English Lit and Creative Writing, both earned as a mature student with the Open University. I strongly believe that there are many routes through education, both formal and informal, and that this same philosophy applies to literacy and life skills. I home educated my three children, all of whom have now grown into fiercely independent adults who display compassion, empathy and critical thinking in all aspects of their lives.'

We all live in Swindon, and we believe that we can all benefit from sharing the skills we know are just waiting to be discovered in the community – we’d love you all to join us for the ride!