

Surprise Valley Health Care District provides lab services by licensed staff, qualified under California State law.

The Laboratory offers out-patient services from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM (closed for lunch from 12:00-1:00) on Monday through Thursday, excluding holidays. Emergency lab services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We perform all common lab tests on blood, urine and other body fluids.

Patient Instructions:

You are required to fast (no food or liquids) for 8-12 hours prior to having any cholesterol/lipid studies unless instructed otherwise by your physician. Usually, drinking a normal amount of water is OK, but check with your physician.

Fasting is preferred, but not required, on most other blood work.

Drug Levels should be taken before the next dose unless instructed otherwise by the physician.

If you have any questions about any lab testing for which you are scheduled, please contact the lab at

(530) 279-6111 ext 1225