-->A strong association between street food and fast food is often created. But this is entirely wrong. They can only be linked in the sense that both are readily available. You don’t have to wait extra time for it to get prepared. But there is a huge difference in their preparation methods and qualities.

-->Fast food is a processed food. Its preparation includes using lots of preservatives and chemical compounds. Fast food companies spend lots of money for preserving the texture and flavor of their food items with the use of these chemical additives. Whereas the street food is fresh and pure, just like homemade food, free from all sorts of preservatives.

-->Chefs and vendors prepare the street food in front of the customers. So the customer knows the ingredients of the food items. On the other hand in fast food, a person is totally oblivion of right ingredients

-->Street food consists of traditional dishes of that area. This is not the case with fast food.