Refereed presentations:

Schweizer, Daniel, Marc Brunelle, Suzy Ahn, and Anika Audet (2024). "An ultrasound study of cavity expansion during Canadian French voiced obstruents." LabPhon 19, Hanyang Universeity, Seoul, Korea, 27–29 June. (presenting author)

Kwon, Harim and Suzy Ahn (2024). "Underlying and derived tense stops in Seoul Korean." LabPhon 19, Hanyang Universeity, Seoul, Korea, 27–29 June. 

Rabideau, Theresa and Suzy Ahn (2024). "Investigating visual correlates during the voicing of Canadian English stops." LabPhon 19, Hanyang Universeity, Seoul, Korea, 2729 June. (A student first author)

Li, Scarlet and Suzy Ahn (2024). "The effects of place of articulation and voicing on bidirectional C-to-V coarticulation." The Canadian Linguistic Association Conference 2024, Carleton University, 17–19 May. (A student first author)

MacLeod, Beth, Suzy Ahn, and Phillip Burness (2024). "The Correlation Between Acoustic and Articulatory Variation in Laurentian French High Vowels." The 187th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 13–17 May.  (presenting author)

Kwon, Harim and Suzy Ahn  (2024). "Phonetics Characteristics of Seoul Korean Tense Stops." The 187th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 13–17 May. 

Li, Scarlet and Suzy Ahn (2024). "Bidirectional C-to-V coarticulation across syllable and word boundaries." The 187th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 13–17 May. (A student first author)

Rabideau, Theresa and Suzy Ahn (2024). "Exploring facial gestures and visual speech articulation cues during the production of Canadian English voiced stops." The 187th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 13–17 May. (A student first author)

Burness, Phillip, Beth MacLeod, Talia Tahtadjian, and Suzy Ahn (2023). "Laxing harmony in Laurentian French: Coarticulation or phonological process?" The 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic, 710 August. 

Brunelle, Marc, Daniel Schweizer, Suzy Ahn, and Anika Audet (2023). "An ultrasound study of cavity expansion during Canadian French voiced obstruents." The 53rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, Paris, France, 26–30 June. 

Burness, Phillip, Talia Tahtadjian, Beth MacLeod, and Suzy Ahn (2022). “An Articulatory Study of Laurentian French Vowel Laxing.Ultrafext X, University of Manchester, 3-4 November

Ahn, Suzy and Harim Kwon (2022). “An ultrasound study of postvocalic stops in American English and Seoul Korean.” The Canadian Linguistic Association Conference 2022. 1–4 June. 

Burness, Phillip, Beth MacLeod, Talia Tahtadjian, and Suzy Ahn (2022). “Vowel laxing in Laurentian French: lowering, centralization, and individual variation.” The Canadian Linguistic Association Conference 2022. 1–4 June. 

Ahn, Suzy and Harim Kown (2022). “Tongue position of stops in post-vocalic and post-voiceless position: An ultrasound study of American English, Brazilian Portuguese, and Seoul Korean.” LabPhon 18, 23–25 June.

Ahn, Suzy, Matthew Faytak, and Harim Kwon (2020). “Tongue root position during Mandarin stops.” The 179th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (virtual), 7-11 December.

Ahn, Suzy, Matthew Faytak, and Harim Kwon (2020). “Tongue root position in Mandarin Chinese aspirated and unaspirated obstruents.” Ultrafest IX, Indiana University, 21–24 November. [poster]

Kwon, Harim and Suzy Ahn (2020). “Tongue positioning during Seoul Korean lax, tense, and aspirated obstruents.” Ultrafest IX, Indiana University, 21–24 November.

Ahn, Suzy and Harim Kwon (2019). “Tongue root configuration during Seoul Korean stops: An ultrasound study.” The 178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, California, 2–6 December.

Hutchinson, Amy, Joshua Weirick, Suzy Ahn, and Olga Dmitrieva (2019). “Language attitudes affect perceived intelligibility, proficiency, and accentedness of non-native speech.”, The International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2019, Melbourne, Australia, 4–10 August. 

Ahn, Suzy (2018). “The Role of Tongue Position in Laryngeal Contrasts: Comparing Thai and Hindi.”, The 92nd Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah, 4–7 January. [abstract]

Ahn, Suzy (2017). “Tongue Position as an Articulatory Property of Voicing in Brazilian Portuguese and Thai.”, The 174th Meeting of Acoustical Society of America, New Orleans, LA, 4–8 December. 

Ahn, Suzy (2017). “Tongue Position of Utterance-initial German Voiced Stops.”, The 91st Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Austin, Texas, 5–8 January. 

Ahn, Suzy and Lisa Davidson (2016). “Tongue Root Positioning in English Voiced Obstruents: Effects of Manner and Vowel Context.”, The 172ndMeeting of Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, HI, 28 November – 2 December. 

Ahn, Suzy (2016). “An Ultrasound Study of Tongue Position during Hindi Laryngeal Contrasts.”, The 172nd Meeting of Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, HI, 28 November – 2 December. 

Ahn, Suzy (2016). “The Role of the Tongue Root in Laryngeal Contrasts: An Ultrasound Study of English, Spanish, Hindi, and Korean.” LabPhon 15, Ithaca, NY, 13–17 July. [abstract]

Gouskova, Maria and Suzy Ahn (2016). “Sublexical Phonotactics of English -er Suffixes.” The 90th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Washington, DC, 7–10 January. [abstract]

Ahn, Suzy (2016). “The Phonetic Target of Utterance-Initial Voiced Stops in American English: An Ultrasound Study.” The 90th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Washington, DC, 7–10 January. [abstract]

Ahn, Suzy and Maria Gouskova (2015). “English Comparatives in Sublexical Theory.” The Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea Winter Conference, Seoul, Korea, 19 December.

Ahn, Suzy (2015). “The Role of Tongue Root in Phonation of American English Stops.” Ultrafest VII, Hong Kong, 8–10 December. [abstract]

Ahn, Suzy (2015). “Utterance-initial Voiced Stops in American English: An Ultrasound Study.” The 170th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Jacksonville, FL, 2–6 November. 

Ahn, Suzy (2014). “The Role of Faithfulness in Imperfect Overlapping in Korean Blends: A Nonce Word Study.” Annual Meeting on Phonology 2014, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 19–21 September. 

Ahn, Suzy (2014). “Imperfect Overlapping in Korean Blends.” The 5th International Conference on Phonology and Morphology, Gwangju, Korea, 3–5 July.

Ahn, Suzy (2013). “Faithfulness Conflict in Korean Blends.” The 37th Penn Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 22–24 November.

Invited presentations:


"Why do English speakers advance their tongue root for /b d g/ stops?" Department Linguistics, UQAM, 18 January. 


"Now I can see my tongue: Using ultrasound tongue imaging for linguistic research." DH Toolbox, Digital Humanities, UOttawa, 16 November.


"What the tongue tells us about voicing contrasts." Department of Linguistics, Seoul National University, 21 September. 

"What the tongue tells us about laryngeal contrasts in different languages." Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa, 12 February. 


“Tongue Positioning in Laryngeal Contrasts: An Ultrasound Study of English, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Thai, and Hindi.” LING talk series, Purdue University, 24 January.


“The Role of Tongue Position in Voicing in English, German, and Brazilian Portuguese: An Ultrasound Study.” The Department of Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences Brown Bag Series, Purdue University, 17 April.


“The Role of Tongue Root in Phonation of American English Stops.” Speech Production, Acoustics and Perception Lab Meeting, CUNY CG Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, 1 December.