Schweizer, Daniel, Suzy Ahn, and Harim Kwon. Submitted. "Acoustic properties of Seoul Korean stops in initial and word-medial positions."
Schweizer, Daniel, Marc Brunelle, Suzy Ahn, and Anika Audet. Submitted. "A laryngeal and lingual ultrasound study of Canadian French voicing contrast."
Ahn, Suzy, Beth MacLeod and Phillip Burness. Submitted. "Laurentian French Vowel Laxing: an articulatory and acoustic study."
Gouskova, Maria and Suzy Ahn (2024). “Sublexical Phonotactics and English Comparatives.” Submitted to University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics 50th Anniversary Volume. [pdf] [abstract and data]
Ahn, Suzy, Harim Kwon, and Matthew Faytak (2024). "Tongue position in Mandarin Chinese voiceless stops." JASA EL. 4 (2): 025207.
Burness, Phillip, Beth MacLeod, Talia Tahtadjian, and Suzy Ahn (2023). "Laxing harmony in Laurentian French: Coarticulation or phonological process?" The Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
Burness, Phillip, Beth MacLeod, Talia Tahtadjian, and Suzy Ahn (2022). “Vowel laxing in Laurentian French: lowering, centralization, and individual variation.” The Annual Conference of the CLA Proceedings.
Hutchinson, Amy, Joshua Weirick, Suzy Ahn, and Olga Dmitrieva (2019). "Language attitudes affect perceived intelligibility, proficiency, and accentedness of non-native speech." The Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
Ahn, Suzy (2018). “The Role of Tongue Position in Laryngeal Contrasts: An Ultrasound Study of English and Brazilian Portuguese.” Journal of Phonetics, 71, pp. 451–467.
Yi, Dahyun, Eun Hyun Seo, Ji Young Han, Bo Kyung Sohn, Min Soo Byun, Jun Ho, Lee, Young Min Choe, Suzy Ahn, Jong Inn Woo, Jongho Jun, Dong Young Lee (2017). “Development of the Korean Adult Reading Test (KART) to Estimate Premorbid Intelligence in Dementia Patients.” PLoS ONE 12(7): e0181523. [link]
Ahn, Suzy (2016). “The Role of Faithfulness in Imperfect Overlapping in Korean Blends: A Nonce Word Study.” Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Meeting on Phonology. [link]
Ahn, Suzy (2015). “Tongue Root Contributions to Voicing in Utterance-initial Stops in American English.” Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol.25: 060008. [link]
Ahn, Suzy (2014). “Faithfulness Conflict in Korean Blends.” University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics: Vol.20: Iss.1, Article 4. [link]
Published Abstracts:
MacLeod, Beth, Suzy Ahn, and Phillip Burness (2024). "The Correlation Between Acoustic and Articulatory Variation in Laurentian French High Vowels." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155, A168.
Kwon, Harim and Suzy Ahn (2024). "Phonetics Characteristics of Seoul Korean Tense Stops." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155, A313.
Li, Scarlet and Suzy Ahn (2024). "Bidirectional C-to-V coarticulation across syllable and word boundaries." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155, A312.
Rabideau, Theresa and Suzy Ahn (2024). "Exploring facial gestures and visual speech articulation cues during the production of Canadian English voiced stops." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155, A339.
Ahn, Suzy, Matthew Faytak, and Harim Kwon. (2020). "Tongue root position during Mandarin Chinese stops." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148(4), 2655-2655.Ahn, Suzy and Harim Kwon (2019). “Tongue root configuration during Seoul Korean stops: An ultrasound study.” The Journal of Acoustical Society of America 146(4), 3080.
Ahn, Suzy (2017). “Tongue Position as an Articulatory Property of Voicing in Brazilian Portuguese and Thai.” The Journal of Acoustical Society of America 142, 2585. [link]
Ahn, Suzy and Lisa Davidson (2016). “Tongue Root Positioning in English Voiced Obstruents: Effects of Manner and Vowel Context.”, The Journal of Acoustical Society of America 140, 3221. [link]
Ahn, Suzy (2016). “An Ultrasound Study of Tongue Position during Hindi Laryngeal Contrasts.” The Journal of Acoustical Society of America 140, 3221. [link]
Ahn, Suzy (2015). “Utterance-initial Voiced Stops in American English: An Ultrasound Study.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138, 1777. [link]