An Analytical and Numerical Study of Dynamic Materials

Spatio-temporal Composites

My colleague, Konstantin A. Lurie, began working in a novel paradigm of spatio-temporal composites or dynamic materials in the 1990s from an analytical point of view. I work on the computational end of things with supporting analysis. Our collaborators include William Sanguinet, Daniel Onofrei, Vadim Yakovlev, Mihhail Berezovski, and others.

Dynamic materials are formations assembled from material propertiess which are distributed on a microscale in space and in time. This material concept takes into consideration inertial, elastic, electromagnetic and other material properties that affect the dynamic behavior of various mechanical, electrical and environmental systems. In static or non-smart applications, the design variables, such as material density and stiffness, yield force and other structural parameters are position dependent but invariant in time. When it comes to dynamic applications, we also need temporal variability in the material properties in order to adequately match the changing environment. To this end, in dynamic material design, dynamic materials will take up the role played by ordinary composites in static material design. A dynamic disturbance on a scale much greater than the scale of a spatio-temporal microstructure will perceive this formation as a new material with its own effective properties.

By allowing spatio-temporal variability in the material constituents, we can create effects that are unachievable through purely spatial design. For example:

  • Pulse Compression and Energy Accumulation in a Dynamic Checkerboard Material

  • The Screening Effect Produced by a Dynamic Laminate

  • Elimination of Cutoff Frequency in Waveguides and Dielectric Layers

  • Activated Left-handed Medium, Negative Index Performance

Mathematically, the problem is formulated for linear, hyperbolic equations with spatio-temporally varying coefficients. Both analytic and computational means are applied to the analysis of the effective properties of dynamic materials generated by various microstructures.


  • An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Materials (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics), 2007

  • An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Materials, Second Edition, 2017

Pulse Compression and Energy Accumulation in a Dynamic Checkerboard Material

The Screening Effect Produced by a Dynamic Laminate

Other Work:

Some of our work was supported by the National Science Foundation under DMS-0204673.