Leadership & Service

  • 2017-18 Fellow, Executive Leadership in Academic Technology and Engineering (ELATE) at Drexel.

  • Chair, Education Committee of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 01/2016 -

  • Mathematics Advisory Group, Transforming Post-Secondary Education in Mathematics (TPSE Math), 2016 -

  • American Mathematical Society (AMS) Committee on Women (CoWIM), 02/01/2016 –

  • Board of Directors, YMCA of Central Massachusetts, 2013 -

  • American Mathematical Society (AMS) Committee on the Profession (CoProf), 02/01/2015 – 01/31/2018

  • Board of Directors, Children's Friend, 2011 - 2017

  • Business, Industry, Government Committee of the Mathematics Association of America (MAA), 1/1/2015 -

  • Committee on Governance, WPI, 2015 - 2018

  • Human Resources Advisory Committee of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (HRAC of MSRI), 2014 - 2017.

  • Theme Leader, Job Placement Theme, INGenIOuS (Investing in the Next Generation through Innovative and Outstanding Strategies) Project, MAA, SIAM, ASA, AMS, NSF, 2013.

  • Chair, Committee on Administrative and Financial Policy (FAP), WPI, 2007 - 2009

  • Director, Center for Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (CIMS), WPI, 2010 - 2014

  • Associate Department Head, Mathematical Sciences, WPI, 2006 - 2012