CSE 816: ML Lab (SEC)

Machine Learning Lab: A supplementary course for Laboratory work of "CSE 815: ML" which is an optional course offered for the students of CSE Major in SEC

08 October 2018

The final result of this course is here. If you have any objection, then please, resolve it contacting with me within next 2 days. Thanks.

30 August 2018

Due to some unexpected reasons, the deadline for Tasks submission is extended to September 20, 2018 11:59 PM (Condition Applicable). No excuse would be allowed after this date. Be prepare for the viva after that. Most probable date for viva is September 28, 2018 (Friday), but be prepared all the time. Thanks.

28 August 2018

Followings are the Machine Learning approaches assigned for Task 2:

CSE 816: Machine Learning Task Distribution - 2013 batch

16 August 2018

You should do the following tasks for Lab. The deadline for submitting these tasks is September 01, 2018 11:59 PM. Your code should be well documented. Send both tasks through email post2enam@gmail.com with subject: CSE_816_2013_Task1_reg where reg would be replaced with your registration number and for Task 2, Task1 should be replaced with Task2. Again, keep away from plagiarism. Thanks.

Task 1:

  • Choose a latest Machine Learning Research Paper

  • Implement the approach described in the paper

  • Make a GUI so that we could give the parameters from GUI

  • Write a technical and non-technical doc for the software

Task 2:

  • Implement the assigned machine learning approach with your preferred language. (I would assign it after getting the list of the students)

  • Make a GUI for that

  • Write a technical and non-technical doc for the software