CSE 456: ADS Lab (SUST)

Advanced Database System Laboratory: A supplementary course for Laboratory work of "CSE 455: ADS" which is an Optional Course Offered for the Students of CSE Major in SUST

09 August, 2018

Here is the final result of this course. Thanks.

06 August, 2018

Tomorrow is your final exam of this course. You can bring an A4 sheet with necessary writings you need.

You would get 1 hour to do the tasks of mongoDB and 1 hour to do the tasks of Spatial Database. Exam would be started at sharp 2:00 PM.

The marks distribution for this course:

  • Spatial Database - 30%

  • MongoDB - 30%

  • Project - 30%

  • Lab Tasks - 10%


10 April, 2018

Think, think and think! Then do the following tasks and make a pdf file named reg.pdf where instead of the text reg, your registration number should be given. Send it to post2enam@gmail.com with the subject CSE_456_QA_reg where reg should be replaced with your registration number.


  1. Design a question set for MongoDB exam. Complex, tricky and diverse questions are appreciated. The question must be reasonable. That means a MongoDB expert should answer your question within one hour as well as the question should not be as easy as a novice MongoDB learner could answer it within 15 minutes.

  2. Design a question set for Spatial Database Management exam. Complex, tricky and diverse questions are appreciated. The question must be reasonable. That means a Spatial Database Management expert should answer your question within one hour as well as the question should not be as easy as a novice Spatial Database Management learner could answer it within 15 minutes.

  3. Answer the question prepared for Task 1.

  4. Answer the question prepared for Task 2.

All of the above tasks should be written in a pdf file giving task numbers. Remember, these tasks are given for doing alone. Any types of copy-paste from internet or other sources would be strictly handled. Do it by your own. Okay, I have extended the deadline for submitting the tasks. The deadline is April 11, 2018 11:59PM.


26 March, 2018

Dear Students, please have a look on the resources given here, here and here to work with spatial database.

13 February, 2018

Dear Students, please inform me about your previous projects first. Here is the form.

06 February, 2018

Please, read mongodb documentation page to

  • do CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations.

  • write some mongo queries in a javascript file and run it in mongo shell.

  • design a database for a blog site. Write all types of CRUD operation for each table.

Then submit your task to post2enam@gmail.com with subject "CSE_456_02_regno1_regno_2" without quote. regno1 is one person's registration number and regno2 is the registration number of another person.

Please, cover at least the following topics in this link of documentation:

  • Introduction

  • Installation

  • The mongo Shell

  • MongoDB CRUD Operations


30 January, 2018

Please, read this article carefully and install mongodb in your pc. Play it with. Thanks.

22 January, 2018

Please, fill this form to submit your project idea. Thanks.