House Bill 103 in 2023 - Road Impact Fees

House Bill 103 - 152nd General Assembly (2023)

(* Bolded ones in the following sponsor list represent Sussex County.)

Primary Sponsor: Bush (Rd 29)

Additional Sponsor(s):

Sen. John Walsh (SD 9)

Rep. Michael Smith (RD 22)


Sen. Buckson (SD 16), Mantzavinos (SD 7), Paradee (SD 17), Pettyjohn (SD 19), Poore (SD 12), Wilson (SD 18)

Reps. K. Johnson (RD 5), Longhurst (RD 15), Osienski (RD 24), Schwartzkopf (RD 14), D. Short (RD 39), , K. Williams (RD 19), Wilson -Anton (RD 26), Yearick (RD 34)

Long Title:


Original Synopsis:

Transportation infrastructure is critical to the safe and efficient movement of people as well as goods and services throughout the State. The Delaware Strategies and Spending identifies various investment levels to help prioritize State infrastructure funding, with investment levels 1 and 2 representing the areas of highest priority. However, there are many transportation facilities within these areas which do not meet the current standards and rely on development projects to construct improvements resulting in unpredictable costs and fragmented infrastructure. This act creates a transportation impact fee for areas within state strategies and spending levels 1 and 2 that are not currently within an approved Transportation Improvement District. The impact fee ensures that development contributes a reasonable, responsible share of the transportation impact to fund off-site improvements including but not limited to bringing substandard roads to current standards, improving pedestrian facilities, and upgrading deficient intersections while allowing the Department of Transportation to implement the improvements in a more cohesive way. The fees are to be utilized within the counties where they are collected.


Senate Districts

House Districts


TID Collection is NOT Adequate

Henlopen TID did not collect enough funds for all $300M Planned Improvements. Below is a slide from the DelDOT presentation to Sussex Council on 3/28/2023.

Senate Email Addresses

(*The ones highlighted in Green are the sponsors of HB 104. The BOLD ones represent Sussex County.)

The list can be copied to the 'TO' area of the email.

Members of the Senate Housing and Land Use Committee that may vote:

All other Senators:

Emails of House of Representatives:

The House has already passed HB 104. However, if there is any modification made by Senate, the bill may come back to the House for another vote.

(*The ones highlighted in Green are the sponsors of HB 104. The BOLD ones represent Sussex County.)

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